
it shouldn’t be equipment, he should wear the face of the last player he killed during the game session.

I have a near bottomless amount of love for Mazda, but this EV looks like a total dud.

no business is altruistic, but we are allowed to feel good about this.

Is this cultural appropriation?

yeah, that was a shitty take on her part. I think the comments were almost entirely people trolling her (myself included)

heyyyyy, dont you want to play some FURY BIRDS???

according to law, he is paying his share.

“talkin bout stellar designations”


It’s only a matter of time until insurance companies start offering insurance against pregnancy.

thanks for being an obtuse pedant.


okay boomer

even unions have scabs. if a portion of women withhold these duties, another will just take their place.

you mean to tell me that an industry based on the objectification of women treats them like shit? I’m shocked!

delicious maths

thank you for this delicious christmas day math

wow, it’s almost like they designed these cars to be phased out! how strange, I never thought that would happen!

the rover steps on the gas right before hitting the yaris. you see the weight loading the shocks.

it’s a good thing you’re here to stand up for all mistreated SUV owners out there. you're doing God's work