
it's only safe for the passengers!

cool. why do they use expensive cars in these tests? it seems like a waste of money

it’s more money than they’re willing to spend.

this has nothing to do with morals, and everything to do with money.

Wow, I though I was a douche for complaining about blood elves getting into the horde. I’m very glad a quit when burning crusade came out, I’m not above spending a lot of time playing videogames, but WoW got boring fast, especially when it started directing the lore instead of the strategy games (which they do not

Get over yourself. MG’s are shitboxes, and they always have been. they pretty much decompose on their own, regardless of what you do to preserve them.

all words matter amirite

holy crap, shit like this makes me think fedsmoker is still alive

if they leaned into the crazy and made a movie or show based on the old box art, I would watch the hell out of that.

can we even call it a port? the consoles are just amd powered x86 computers.

what an oddly specific tangent for Keanu to dive into.

weddings already suck.

this is fucking terrifying

delicious irony

this was an intentional choice made by dev’s. this will push people to buy content, and then move on from the game when it has reached end of life.

zero sympathy for grimes. musk was already famous for being as shit. who thinks they’re gonna walk into a billionaires life (especially someone with a track record like Musk's) and they’re gonna make you their priority? they’re already married to their money.

yes this is self harm, but we have context.

not enough steps back for a manual transmission though :(


“Corpo” is slang that was introduced decades ago by the original pen and paper rpg.