

I can’t wait for all the articles about how the real reason millenials are so poor is because they don’t use flip phones like this rich fuck does.

I would honestly prefer him over McCown, even today...

Thank you! Unless you were being sarcastic, in which case I’ll walk away embarrassed right now.

I mean, of course, lmao. I just mean that we have lousy luck in these matters.

Well, you know what’s gonna happen when Teddy is ready to play again? We’ll snatch him and he’ll suck! Or he’ll go back to you and be very good but someone else on your team will suck.

I can’t wait for the Jets to sign him to a monster deal and then watch him fail because he’s in our jersey.

Oh. You were serious.

Okay, I get it now, you’re trolling and being ridiculous just to fuck with me. You can stop now.

I don’t think that’s what she did at all, and I don’t trust anyone who says ”triggers” or goes on the kind of crusade you’re going on here in the comments...

If you were trying to make anyone but yourself look bad with these screenshots, you did not succeed.

Fuck you.

Who gives a crap about the sex of another person’s fetus?

I like how the original article’s premise and those Edelman and OBJ examples are basically: “Hey, you know these things that happened? What if something ELSE happened INSTEAD?”

I was ready to lash out at this but when I thought about it for longer than four seconds, I thought “that...sounds pretty fucking good...”

If you think there’s any way I’m clicking on anything even remotely connected to Seth MacFarlane, you got a WHOLE ‘nother thing comin’!

Why doesn’t pizza have a side dish?

Cam Newton is that you

Poker is a really fun game and interesting mental challenge

i‘ve never been this offended