
The best football coach I ever had refused to give me a playbook because I wasn’t a starter, and when asked why I wasn’t a starter, told me it was because I didn’t know the plays. 

Drake has always been a bitch. I mean someone has to say it and I guess that person is me today.


ponder over that thought

No, it’s like hating Stephen Colbert right now because we works at the same network as Jim Jefferies who told a crude joke during a stand-up routine.

Also write this article about Deadspin’s employ of Clay Travis.

I love Deadspin and I am and will always be Team Deadspin, particularly when it comes to Barstool.

If the NY Post is giving you a hard time about racially insensitive remarks then you truly are the bottom of the barrel.

Now that you mention it, I guess I can see why that headline lead you to believe that this article would be a reasoned, dispassionate treatise on the technical merits of a dick joke movie

“Don’t overthink it!” is a surefire indicator of suckitude.

In fairness, they’re now free of the horror of having an effective black quarterback. They’re now free to draft a somewhat less effective but super scrappy white dude the fanbase can pin all their hopes on until week 5 or so when they realize he sucks.

“...and the US needs to go BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK to segregation”

I guess I don’t understand this argument. Is there concrete evidence that Bruce Sherman is in this only for a quick buck? How is this worse than what Loria was doing for the last several years? The Astros lost over 100 games for two years after Jim Crane took over and 92 a third year. Was Jim Crane a “craven

Her next three albums did not go platinum. Last album that went platinum was 20 YO and that was in 2006 according to the RIAA site. The Super Bowl that she performed in was 2004. No she wasn’t reduced to working at Walmart, but she was banned from the Grammy’s, her videos were banned from being played on MTV(that

There’s so much “uppity white trash” in this recipe, I want to firebomb your office. (I lack the ambition, don’t sweat it).

“Young” Drew was so full of joy and hope. Then the 2018 NFC Championship game happened.

drew that’s going to be cold by Sunday bud
