
Fuck this guy for using NYA as the abbreviation instead of NYY

What’s funny his how people would rather try to claim that it’s NOT EVEN RACIST rather than not doing the one thing

It’s still pretty bad, honestly.

This is not a thing that happens.

Oh man, this one is a doozy.

By all measures, Bennett is an asshole.

Lmao at “pretend they’re on higher moral ground”

That’s literally what you just did. In this thread. That’s what you just did.

I’m gonna sleep even better when you die.


No one ever said that, snowflake.

This is 100% my favorite Albert Burneko piece

And they said that there’s a strong anti cop sentiment in America. Racist pieces of shit. They get away with whatever the fuck they want.

Calm down, lmao.

The fans, for whatever reason, were largely cool with that.

You’d think people wouldn’t bust Cleveland’s chops over it, but people love revising the past when it comes to the draft. Heck, some folks tried to rag on the Texans over the slow start to Clowney’s career when he was the CLEAR wire to wire best prospect at the time(and now that he’s healthy and playing like a #1

That’s a fair point too.

If he doesn’t pan out, I’m going to be so annoyed by everyone mocking them for blowing the #1 pick when this WHOLE time he was the consensus top prospect and every single analyst in the world said they’d be fucking up if they didn’t take him.

Yeah. I think we may just disagree on this, but in my opinion it’s in poor taste to do such an abrupt about face and attempt to be gracious or even neutral after shitting on Chris Berman for so long, mostly because my larger point is that they went beyond the professional realm in just how viciously they attacked him.

Were you wondering because of their history of shitting on him, or would you have cared about Berman’s wife’s passing even if they hadn’t? I guess that’s what I’m getting at; I could be wrong, but I don’t know if it’s the kind of news story that MUST be reported.