
Well, fuck you. Sincerely! Fuck you, haha. The idea that you would call my comment simplistic when your entire presence on Deadspin’s comment section for every single post is to blindly kiss the ass of whoever wrote the article and contribute nothing of nuance or value (you do it every time and it’s really

I seriously doubt that anyone would have even noticed if they didn’t mention something about the dude’s wife.

Yeah, you can do that, and it absolutely makes you a hypocrite if you do.

It’s honestly hard to decipher what your point is - are you arguing that Deadspin should never criticize a public figure like Berman

Man, Burneko was the worst.

this is too good to be true AND your avi is of my favorite wrestler of all time so this comment needs recognition

. No one in America wants to deny access to healthcare to anyone.

why are you doing this to me personally

I can’t tell if this is a parody of oblivious racists or if you really are just an oblivious racist

i wish curt schilling was dead

I wish Mark Dice was dead.

It’s every bit as bad as I feared.

I thought Edwards did get some contact on that? I’d link to the video, but man it’s disturbing.

Stop fuckin’ breathing.

i love gentrification

society gave him a $40m+ contract and put him on a football team, he had to dig way down deep to go back and become a fucking serial killer, get the fuck outta here with this nonsense

it’s lit

stop fucking breathing

Oh look it’s you:

Which one is the one you don’t like in this case?