
You’re a fucking idiot, Mr.John.

You’re a fucking idiot, hp7015ca.

it’s lit

To be fair, re-reading what I wrote earlier does make it seem like I was going down that road, albeit unintentionally, but yeah, I’m more curious than anything because I don’t quite get it myself.

pipe down gramps!

i agree with this more than i’ve ever agreed with anything

I don’t think it’s “strange” or “bizarre”, I’m just not sure I personally understand the appeal and I’m curious as to what the appeal is.

Y’know, I’ve also always wondered why people buy signed items. I think that I’d only do it to flip it for more money, I guess.

Or maybe because Arne Duncan wasn’t as deeply and thoroughly and obviously unqualified as Betsy DeVos clearly is, his own shortcomings notwithstanding?

Here’s hoping Conway is arrested over it

Autograph hawks are indeed annoying dicks. I’ve seen dudes wheel two large garbage cans worth of stuff to a session, and demand that they’re even signed in certain styles. At least have the decency to, I dunno, try to get two or three items signed at a time? Or to not be a prick about it?

Between Mike Pence, Mark Dice, Corey Lewandowski Bill Mitchell, and this piece of shit judge, why do old racist white men almost never have any lips on their mouths?! It’s fucking CREEPY.


I’m going to preface this by saying that I fully understand that I fully deserve every last bit of scorn I’m going to get for this. I accept that I’m a gotdamn weirdo for this:



Fair question because the AFC West is shaping up to be really competitive, especially if the Chargers get healthy. But I mean, KC has gone 11-5 twice since he’s joined them. I don’t feel 12-4 was a huge surprise.

Who said anything about finding solace in or being satisfied with close, though?

Fair enough: calling it “small sample bias” was indeed inaccurate on my part.

Almost as touching and disturbing as your obsession with whether someone you don’t know/have no reason to care about got a joke or not!