
+ E4

Anyone who uses the word “asshat” should be banned from life. I don’t even know what to make of “asshattery”.

Never write anything ever again, please.

+ 225

Beat me to it! + DJ 3,000

Shut the entire fuck up immediately.


Roughly 114 (and counting) people did, so....


Okay, at what number did everyone tap out cause this was all just way too embarrassing to read? I made it to #8.

You’re a fucking idiot.

My admittedly not thoroughly thought-out guess: it’s a slippery slope type thing. Without rules in place to promote an honest effort, not only would something like this be way more common, but even sillier reasons to throw games that might not be in a team’s best rational/competitive interest might be in play, like “I

The general outrage from comments like these have always been a huge pet peeve of mine, even though I can sorta understand why people get up in arms.

This is glorious and should be recognized as such

Dammit, you beat me to it! Haha, my bad.


This is too good


This is exaaaaaactly what I thought.

Can’t tell whether this is a joke or not.