
"Peter King Does Weird Things With His Mouth."

And I thought all Oregonians would throwback Sam Bowie.

I thought that chin strap he always wears is supposed to protect him from this very thing??

"A friend I trust sent this fat dog to me

Do you know where else things are fine? In L.A.

How has he been MIA? He's 5th in goals scored and for about 2-3 month period he was arguably the most electric player in the BPL. Granted he hasn't set the world on fire as of late, but what Arsenal really needs is a defensive midfielder. Although I will say, Coquelin as done a pretty solid job recently. Is he the

To be fair...Zlatan ALWAYS feels like this.

Can we agree to fuck Chelsea just on principle?

Totally agree!! La Liga and Bundasliga are so top heavy most of the matches aren't fun to watch. At least with the BPL every game is usually quite competitive.

I pine for the days when he was the NBA color analyst the game of the week. He takes hyperbole to whole new level.

+ zero. point. zero. for such an dense statement.

Mike Smith? Is that you?

Bitching, flopping and don't forget his biggest fuck all of all: TRAVELLING!!! That runt carries the ball over so bad, he makes Iverson look like a product of John Wooden.


Fucking tie baby

I just came across this problem. I'm from SoCal and happened to be travelling to Seattle which they now sell openly and legally to the public. It was after the Superbowl so the commercials were ok, but that one Kia commercial reminded me of that time Blake Griffin jumped over a Kia.

I have reservations about his claim of Native American ancestry.

Hey, understandable. No one likes being dunked on.

Luke Walton would fuck Swaggy up.

Yeah KG is an asshat! Pekovic and Gortat can be pretty scary. Former NBA player DJ Mbenga (black belt and from the goddamn Conga) would fuck up any and all comers but he's out of the association. Speaking of out of the association, Charles Oakley gets to go to the head of the class. I'd pay to see him and Mbenga