
Don't question the Kaiser. He knows what he's doing O_O

Haha...fair enough. I probably should dial back my smart-ass meter on teh interbez anyways. I don't often come across well electronically. Or...come to think about real life either. :) <—that's for Poe.

Note to self. No more jokes for you.

No. To remain faceless and therefore un-tracked. And also to snitch on my friends.

Oh good! I ordered mine just in time...

Kyle, is Adrian Chen aware of this article. Be a pal of a coworker and link him up, eh? :) If it's not THAT bad, he might like to wear digital pants for the rest of the day.

1) "stupid rich evangelical white men" is ad hominem. It means "to the man" and is a fallacy which essentially bases an argument around name calling.

I had no idea I was so fancy! I think I'm going to use exploding nails for my next home improvement project. On Mars O_o Curiosity and I will take nostalgic b&w photos together. And then debunk and/or verify UFOs on mars:

To venture a guess: he was probably calling out your fallacious ad hominem attack which was somewhat craftily combined with a non sequiter at best, or a plain and simple red herring argument at worst. In other words: stop name calling and distracting from the issue at hand. This is about Mars, technology, and awesome

The cops just wanted to date something 8/8/88...I'm fairly certain. And all of this took place almost 3 months before I was born. *sigh* I understood about 10 words of all that...sad days.

*notes video review of said backpack in front of bikini-clad tech girl. Senses subliminal messaging* are That Guy.

I got all of them right (without cheating...I'm so fantastic and accountable -__- )...that means I either a) pay too much attention, b) pay just the right attention, or c) pay attention to weird shit. Somehow I suspect it's "c"...

It's certainly not a toy and you can cause a lot of damage—perhaps fatal—if you hit someone in the wrong place and the right distance.

MORE CONSPIRACY! What everyone is skipping over here is the Darth Vader's chest piece's remarkable resemblance to the Jewish High Priest's traditional breastplate.

If only we had known! What other things will they predict? We can only hope they stay away from the 2012 Doomsday theme this season...

The end draweth near. And I maketh up words.

I guess this The Office scenarios wasn't all that unlikely.

Clearly it's got to be Snow Leopard Frog, yes? Following discoveries will be Lion and Mountain Lion...Frog.