OK you do that I'll just keep drinking my gin. That looks like filtered water.
OK you do that I'll just keep drinking my gin. That looks like filtered water.
Oh right...der. -1 from my LotR score, I should have known that. The reason I forgot is that it's still technically Frodo's even though Sam used it. Good call.
Wait. What is Samwise holding? I've thought about it and I can't think of what it could be...also I love that they gave him the full name rather than shortened "Sam".
Regarding cool symbols, what about Sprint with "S", or (formerly, and arguably more awesome) Qwest with "Q"?
It's called #whitenoise. Pretty sure that's in the Community Policy too...
Another good point...they do have generators packed away in there, don't they?
True, but somehow I suspect anyone robbing a McDonalds couldn't afford one of those. Not a really good one anyways.
I was thinking "Macy's Day Parade" when I read, "street and carnival performances"...I was wondering how he was going to do that with the thing plugged into the wall (see the power cord and yellow reel?)...then I realized he probably means he'll do stationary performances. Der. Less tripping = better performance.
This is a very cynical article. And also very true as far as I can tell.
...I assume we're keeping the family jewels out of this. Heirloom or not...
No surprise here, but "PIPA" (must be all caps) is also accessible on Wiki.
Google is also doing a blackout of sorts. [www.google.com]
HA! Nice :) It also doesn't when you search "PIPA"...unless you only capitalize the first letter: "Pipa". They're a big ball of fun today.
I'm loving Wiki's blackout page. Home page loads like normal, lets you enter a search, pulls up the search, and then goes to their blackout screen. Super fun.
EDIT: Fail all around on my part. I'm going back to whitenoise. No pictures, bad links. I'm striking out today...
BUT going to 100K feet sounds a lot cooler than: "We calculated the total resistance of the system, figured out what it's terminal velocity would be, and only brought it up to that height. It wound up being 327 feet."
To be fair, the pressure that the tracking unit put on the iPad MAY be greater then if the entire surface area of the iPad was allowed to his. Which might actually be a better case for the case (heh). BUT, again, as we've both pointed out, other parts of the system may have actually taken the beating.
Aside from the fact that it fell properly (like most people have noted: not screen-first), how can we tell the metal pole the thing was strapped to didn't take the brunt of the impact? The action between 1:43 and 1:44 happens so fast it's hard to tell how exactly it landed. I also suspect the locating device on the…
Are you SURE Lady Gaga didn't just charge it to your card again? You know how she likes faux-fur and charging it to your account, don't you [redacted Editor-in-Chief]?