Put away the thesaurus and step away from the keyboard.
Put away the thesaurus and step away from the keyboard.
I really like lots of eye makeup too. Like Emma Stone in Zombieland. People think it's weird, but I think it looks awesome.
"I'm sick of convos that start with how something hurts women and then turns to "but what about men?"
If that's considered "freaky" I don't want to be normal.
So, like I pointed out, you're asking people to take responsibility for their actions, while simultaneously blaming women for their own rapes. Because you're a fucking idiot.
So tell me then, when you say that "[they] are feeding into the cycle of economics that drives [frat guys] to keep doing what they're doing." How am I supposed to take that if not to mean that they are at least partially responsible for the the rapey behavior of the frat guys?
"Be responsible for your own decisions."
I bet you're the type of person who blames WalMart's exploitation of it's workers on poor people too.
#2 reminds me of a situation that happened within my friend group recently.
OR, as I explained to another person who seems to think it's women's fault when they're raped, people go to these parties because it's a dry fucking campus and where else are underage freshmen supposed to party except at off-campus house parties? Have you ever been a college freshman before?
Have you ever been a college freshman? When I was one I would go pretty much anywhere that I thought there was a party with booze, because when you're underage it's tricky to get a hold of. Especially since this particular campus is dry, the only place to party while underage is at off campus house parties. Plus frat…
You are doing some fucking insane mental gymnastics to blame women for a bunch of guys being violent douchebags.
Yeah, I think any self-improvement advice that focuses on getting dates is probably going to end up pretty flawed.
Whatever dude. Even if Mystery never raped anyone, preaching the concept of "overcoming last minute resistance" as crucial to getting laid is fucking dangerous. End of story.
The only PUAs I've seen that aren't terrible are the ones that focus on "inner game" aka confidence. They're into lots of affirmations, self-improvement, "being the best version of you possible", etc, which is solid advice. They still tend to use a lot of dumb terminology though, as well as some gender essentialism.
Nope nope nope. I read his e-book in a misguided fit of teenage desperation and there's a whole section on "overcoming last minute resistance." NOPE.
"Is there some secret cabal of old white dudes with dastardly mustaches somewhere who think this stuff up?"
"If a basic bitch falls in the woods, does she make a sound? She does, as it turns out. It goes a little something like, "I can't even.""
"Could Beyonce effectively cover "No Scrubs" just to remind everyone? (I think she could)"
"So a 2014 "Summer Girls" with a re-tooled LFO."