
What is up with Jezebel's weird obsession with boy bands lately?

Would it surprise you to learn that I'm actually quite familiar with the "rabbit-hole", as you put, as I went through a pretty intense conspiracy theorist phase in highschool? This isn't something I shy away from learning about to protect by precious, delicate worldview. That's not how skepticism works.

I know these lists are usually a bunch of gender essentialist nonsense, and for the most part this one is no exception. However, I think "Sometimes we're just not in the mood." is actually kind of important, because the idea that men are always up for sex at any time for any reason is actually pretty damaging.

I can get on board with that (sometimes) when it comes to metaphysical, philosophical concepts. Of course we can't empirically prove that, for example, "I believe that loyalty is a virtue" or "I believe that personal freedom should be protected at all costs" or "I believe the role of government is to insure the

If you don't think that your beliefs are right (and that therefore the conflicting beliefs of others must be wrong), then why do you have them? Why would you believe in something if you also believe that the alternative is just as likely to be correct? I can't wrap my mind around that.

Please show me this work, especially the stuff about free energy devices. If someone has invented a perpetual motion machine, they should take it to the Randi foundation to claim their million dollars.

Sure, if you define "open-minded" as "believing in lots of different stuff". That's not what it means though.

If you don't believe in my cosmic teapot, you're just being closed-minded and stubborn. Any attempt to point out that there's no way a teapot could have gotten into a co-orbital configuration with the earth is just you wanting to be proven correct, and nothing more. Why aren't you more open-minded?

When I said "show me the evidence" I was describing my general outlook as a skeptic. It wasn't an imperative.

Some people are pretty trigger-happy when it comes to dismissing people as trolls. It can be ridiculous sometimes.

To be fair, we do get a lot of trolls around here. And quite often they start off sounding perfectly reasonable before degenerating into raging misogynists. But still. People deserve the benefit of the doubt when expressing an opinion in a calm, respectful way like you did.

This response was really unnecessarily aggressive.

"are you a skeptic about ALL of this stuff, from reincarnation to angels to ufos to ascension to souls to.. anything?"

Ah. Okay. I was thinking of 'ironic racism' being more like saying something racist in an obviously joking way, in which the joke is how absurd the racist thing is. Like Stephen Colbert's joke that caused an uproar recently.

Wait. I thought that's what ironic racism was.

Tina Fey.

Tina Fey had a parody of Jezebel called "Joan of Snark" in an episode of 30 Rock.

So that makes three Jezebel darlings who have taken shots at Jezebel through their TV shows.

Those people were wrong. Don't hold your breath.

"Look at 29 April!" I look. "Some people feel the stock market is…" She pauses for such a long beat that I offer to complete her sentence: "…going to crash?" She shakes her head. "This is even worse – we've not had this since the American Revolution."