Correlation does not imply causation, you fucking muppet.
Correlation does not imply causation, you fucking muppet.
Said it before and gonna say it again- remote shut offs for mics
I always love the whole “I’ve dealt with/heard/experienced so much worse” like that makes any of this acceptable. Get off your dumbass high horse you poor little had-it-worse-than-everybody-else-so-look-at-me snowflake.
I know they're a bit expensive, but they seemed to fall right in line with the description (at least how I pictured it). Fashion 🙃🙃🙃
So the law states it applies to conversations that are considered confedential. Meaning if Taylor knew she was on speaker, legally, the Kardashians are probably in the clear. It’s sort of the same reasoning behind attorney/client privilege being void if a non-involved third party is present.
Not sure what’s so difficult to believe about pus being a pretty common problem when there's chafing due to overmilking..
#1, gold star. #2, are you a Phoebe Buffay reference rather than NYPD Blue?
I have a 25 day old baby boy asleep in his crib right now. Reading this made me want to go pick him up and never let go. Must resist temptation. This story is heartbreaking. it the top of a shoe???
I am currently in labor right now. Should I be afraid of bees?
Well, for one, what I said was she probably wasn't aware they had different fathers. For another, I don't see anywhere in the article where it says how many times, what the circumstances, etc where with either men, it's extrememly probable, if not just possible, that she assumed there was not much chance of it being…
...You say this as if she was trying to cheat the man out of extra money. I doubt she was aware they had different fathers and considering there is little to no information about their relationship outside of the dubious “forced to admit” wording by the author here, I don't think there is a whole lot of room to pass…
Yeah I guess I read his response as a bit of a tongue-in-cheek, reclaim-the-night kind of thing...
How did that narrator manage to make such an adorable otter story SOOO BOORRRINNGGGG
Uhhh, working in restaurants is how I came to learn Spanish....
This is a short story... mostly because I am typing this from my phone:
creme brulee and linguini servers sound like a couple of judgy dicks. Some people don't understand how ingredients originate (i.e. vanilla) because they've never dealt with them outside of the way they buy them from a grocery store. Some people might not be familiar with the word "linguini" but are obviously going to…
<<<woman who has worked at an industrial dairy factory disagrees with you on point 3.