That is so perfect I am in awe. LOL.
That is so perfect I am in awe. LOL.
Vaccines cause Islam. Wake up sheeple.
So "say what you want about ISIS, but no one had polio" will be this generation's "at least Mussolini kept the trains running on time".
You're doing God's work.
So wrong… and yet so right.
Filed to: NO
Well this is literally the best thing that has ever happened in the history of anything.
As a female gamer who would love to see more playable female characters in video games, can you please just not with the whole "two female fighters tearing each other to shreds in an over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek, cartoonishly-violent fighting game is much more worser than two dudes doing it?" Like, it's great that…
Jezebel. Please tell me this is a joke.
Maybe the answer is to remove all women from fighting games, to prevent this from ever happening again.
In my opinion, this is more or less an accurate representation of gender neutrality in video games. That move can be used on any character in the game. The fact that it was a a vagina getting punched and not balls is merely circumstantial.
Dad getting shot in the lower back seems a little more serious than Mom getting shot in the arm, even if there was a fetus present nearby.
"Women should feel pleasure and have sex and feel good about it – and there's a lot of shame involved with porn," said Jones. Yes, this is true.
Then come up with non-gendered titles that provide the requisite social distance between you and an unknown speaker.
Good thing we're sanitizing the language.