
ERr.... Am I the only one who thinks it looks like she did more than try to "brush passed him"? Her hand kind of goes so his gut with what appears to be more than a slight amount of force. (Not that that excuses his actions). It's really hard to tell with people in the way but maybe something happened before that?

Eating ass is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get. But you kind of do.

I know what you mean and yet, I kinda want the same. I love doors being opened for me, chairs pulled out, and yes, even with the right guy, sometimes him ordering for me (not choosing for me, just placing the order). I'm so used to doing everything for myself and am so controlling and assertive in 99% of the rest of know...not? It's nice to see that stereotyping is a thing that the "enlightened" SJW crowd fully embraces. Good job.

Maybe you should thank those greasy obese men instead of mocking them, because if they weren't the ones dealing with years of bullshit ridicule, abuse, and stereotyping from ignorant

I'm always waiting for opportunities to post photos of damaged produce.

Trademark lawyer here! She hasn't actually trademarked the term yet, just filed applications to do so. There are any number of reasons why she might not secure rights to the marks, e.g. the USPTO might reject the applications on various grounds, third parties with an interest in the marks might oppose their

My first thought was, "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." But you know what? Fuck that; I don't want THIS piece of shit to live on this planet anymore. If there is indisputable proof that he did this, he should be killed.

In Tennessee, aggravated rape is a Class A felony, which incurs a fine of up to $50,000, at least 15 (and up to 60) years in prison, or both. That's 15 years per count.

*In an alternate universe where they made enough of these so everyone could actually buy one.

>New Dragon's Dogma

Being a domestic violence victim does not disqualify her from being a perpetrator of child neglect.

"Victim blaming"?? NO ONE here is blaming the 1 year old.

But that woman sure chose her shitty boyfriend over her kids. All together now: "Fuck her."

As a child whose mother failed to protect her from abusive stepfathers/boyfriends, I say fuck her. Children are utterly defenseless and can't leave an abusive situation under their own power. This woman's kids didn't choose her shitty boyfriend.

It is SO hard for me to subscribe to this theory. I want to be generous of spirit and forgiving, but my sympathy well is close to dry. It's hard for a child to accidentally get burned, repeatedly, and burns are exceedingly painful and scary. If the moms are, for whatever reason, unable to protect their children, maybe

Yeah, I agree with you on the mispronunciation thing. The customer was obviously being horrible, and I understand the "make it like Starbucks!" annoyance. But "cafe", "caffe", and "coffee" all mean the same thing, originally. Espresso and drip coffee both come from coffee beans, although they've been processed

I've lost 65 pounds since January of 2013, from a size 16-18/XL-1X to a size 6-8/S-M. I was always heavy, but never quite obese because of my large frame and muscle mass. I was fine with my weight except that it was all in my belly, the source of all kinds of ills in women. My dad died in his late 50s and my mother is
