
Whatever, teachers aren’t saints and everyone has to blow off steam about their work. It’s also a well known fact that teenagers are awful (I can say that, having once been an awful teen myself). Maybe work on your firewalls or something.

He was just...

Photoshop is not a video editing program, Meghan.

If you don’t want to be photoshopped you stipulate that in your contract.

Does anyone else suspect that Bey and Jay are super weird by this point in their lives? I feel like they have that isolated, rich celebrity crazy going on. I haven't seen either of them do an interview in a long time so I have nothing really to go off of.

Tread carefully, these are dangerous waters you’re entering.

I think Rita wears it better anyway.

So, who else clicked on this article to see what “A LOT” meant and was relieved to find you’re not remotely close to the actual number?

I mean, yeah, it’s a stress reliever and if I go several days without it I’m cranky and sometimes in actual physical pain, but three to six times a day?! That’s gotta be exhausting and

I have yet to meet an adult pot head who just occasionally gets high. Instead you will make plans with them for dinner or a movie and they’ll show up high. They’ll make plans on the weekend around the times and places they can get high. Its boring and obnoxious, so although I don’t care if people smoke pot, do I want


I 100% don’t get the snark. Life can be lonely AF and not all of us like being glued to our Laptops commenting on Jezebel all day eating cheese and intermitenly checking out cats on Neko Atsume. Community living is great but hard to carry out in cities, as long as the price is reasonable this is a fab alternative

This is appropriate for most of you in this comment section.

Personally, I’m just surprised that no one has tried to fill it with tomato sauce and cheese and tried to call it a pizza yet.

No. They fucking don’t.

This IS real science. Maybe YOU should go into science so you would actually know what it is.

Does any person on Jezebel understand science?!?! This was NOT a sociological study. It was a BIOLOGICAL study.

I do the same thing but less weird.... I drug people in backalleys. Usually let them go after a day or two before I overdo it with the tranquilizers. Got to know a few great people who still keep contact.

A Stairway to Heaven & a Highway to Hell is a good indication as to predicted traffic numbers.

Plenty of cultures already mix sweets and meat - even Americans regularly do so!