
Not everybody has that luxury at 26, many people can’t afford to travel the world and need to work 2 jobs to pay their rent. A life like that makes you feel old very fast.

You know, some people really don’t like going to clubs and all that jazz. And because people like you keep calling them lame they look for an excuse like “I’m getting too old” because they are finally not teenagers anymore and don’t feel like they have to do these things.

I’m not sure actually, a lot of people have already played grow home because it was cheap anyway and the ones that didn’t might just not be interrested (like me).

Right? Since when is showing off your wealth “winning an argument”?

If he did indeed have a gun and started shooting during a protest he doesn’t seem to think lives matter all that much himself. I can’t feel any sympathy for him then.

It’s probably pretty tasty but I can’t help but feel you’re playing tomato-stain russian roulette when eating this burger. I hope it’s a very meaty tomato.

I would even recommend going to a regular mixed gender spa once in a while. It’s really great to see all types of bodies just mixed together like that and it’s nice to know the different shapes and sizes of the menfolk as well. And unlike what people seem to think, nobody is staring at you or anything inapropriate

I would definitely try this if it was close to me. Just a shame that they didn’t try and match some wine with the food, I bet that’s a challenge some sommeliers would love to tackle (and I would love to try). Good marketing there in my opinion.

Sugar is a carb and carbs get turned into fat, obviously only if you have too much of it. Having too much soda will make you obese.

Claiming that porn is responsible for turning little Billy into a pedofile is just as stupid as claiming “blood and guts” are responsible for turning little Billy into the next mass murderer. If you truly believe games can have such an impact on people you should advocate banning both violence and sex, not just one of

Ah yes, it’s the same in Dutch. It took me a while to figure it out too.

What most people seem to miss is that gender isn’t the same as your biological sex. If you are born as a biological male, you will forever be a biological male and you will only ever be able to change the way you look on the surface. You can’t change the XY to XX. Transgender people only change their gender, which is

Those are some very pretty teeth though.

Hmmh true, in this conversation it’s probably not necessary to include that bit of information.

It’s bothering me a bit that nobody in this thread is mentioning the fact that too much fat will be bad for you regardless of where it comes from. Nuts aren’t vegetables or fruit, you can’t just eat them all day and expect it to have no impact on your body.

Money can definitely cause issues, especially when there is not enough of it, but it’ll probably depend on the couple and the personality of both partners, I doubt it’s the money alone. Also, nothing wrong with being materialistic! I grew up poor and have dedicated many years to getting out of that hole, together with

You are like my partner then. Honestly, if you take care of the majority of the household tasks you pull your weight in the relationship. You really don’t need to make money to be valuable.

This! I don’t understand why somebody would be unhappy about their spouse providing a better livestyle to the both of them. I make more in our relationship but I’m also the reason why the boyfriend now has a new tv for his playstation (well, I bought that for myself too of course), and he damn well brags about that to

I’m sorry but $300 for a device that will normally last you between 3 and 6 years is really not that expensive. I can’t think of many other forms of entertainment that offer such good value, especially if you use psplus for the free games. I have no idea what the second hand market in Brazil looks like, my bad there!

You can already buy a second-hand ps4 for less than $300, that’s really not expensive anymore. Can’t expect devs to keep working on older generation consoles because a small portion of their customers can’t afford the new ones yet.