
Are they going to stop you from ordering more than one pack? It's a bit pointless if you are still able to do that. If they do though, I imagine groups of starving McDonalds addicts standing outside and asking random strangers to buy them fries.

I'm not sure where you are getting this from? I can't find any description of gallows humor that states it can only be used by the victim. The Oxford dictionary says it's dark or grim humor about a hopeless or desperate situation. Wikipedia says the humor can by used by or be about the victim of a terrible situation.

Same here! Waited until I was 21 because I just knew I was going to regret my decision anytime sooner than that. Looking back now I'm very pleased I didn't have any of those early douches between my legs.

Karma is just a concept to make unlucky people feel better about themselves.

It's baffling to see so many people that are amazed how such a 'bad' person can be so lucky. As if there is some kind of force in the universe that balances everything according to our personal moral compass.

Yep, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't give a flying fuck about campus violence against women, she killed and plundered thousands of entire villages herself. Some seriously delusional writing here.

So, can we finally skip cutscenes in this one? :-/

Dude, I never asked for secondhand smoke from strangers either! I think I deserve to bug them with sanctimonious badgering once in a while in return :)

Isn't it interresting how smokers call you a pretentious asshole because you call them out on their smoking? Like it doesn't impact the people around them at all or something, like it's just their personal little problem instead of a stinking cloud of cancer all around them? They seem to think everybody else just has

"Our aim is to show the world that dragons are people too.". Well no, they are not. Even if they were real they would still be dragons, not people. There is a reason we call people "people" and dragons "dragons". This sentence bothers me more than it should.

I like your responses around here! It is indeed a good idea to build up a career early and start making enough money to afford living comfortably. There will be plenty of time to do all the traveling and hobbies, even during your work years. You might even find a job you love while at it.

An escort is just a prostitute that travels. They come to your house, a hotel or a business trip. No other differences to be honest.

Ah, the wonders of working at a company where developers don't give a shit about the backend! I feel your pain.

It's in the article, late january.

Oh ok, I'm not from the US so I've never heard of that rule :)

I don't think I get it?

Now that's something I didn't know! Thanks for the link.

I think she could have pulled of nice white shoes fine with that dress, complete the image and show your full length. But even for neutral shoes I just don't think the laquered look works with this outfit.

It could have been perfect Angelina!

Love it! Great dress, great makeup, great hair. Kinda boring shoes.