
Still not as bad as gang rape though.

That's not young and naive at all. You did a great job and were a good friend, she was lucky to have you there.

Ok Zero, I still don't think it's cool to solely focus on the job I currently have, I've had many, but you bring up good further points. I'm not from the US and most personal address data isn't that publicly available but everything else is definitely doable here as well.

They are Brazilian, Portugal just started making them en-masse too :)

What a complete shitstorm of ignorance this whole thread was! Charging for bread really only happens in the most southern part, and only in tourist areas. I only encountered this once in Barcelona and god knows I've done my share of traveling around.

Ok, that is what I said too. That it requires a lot of work to match a simcard to its owner and that the OP doesn't have to worry about his privacy as much as he did. They won't start matching people's sim cards en-masse to send out spam.

This game runs surprisingly well on my 5 year old system and looks much better than some other games it struggles with. I only need to keep the anti aliasing to lower settings and everything else runs on ultra. Pretty well done imo.

Oh hey, you are still here! I write the business requirements for the team that builds our crawler because I do the project management for our search engine, I know plenty of the coding behind it and the cost/benefits of projects like this.

And I think you are massively paranoid. As I said, I work in this business, there is no financial benefit for phone providers to do this, there will be no return on operations like this. Google does it sure, but using cookies or your google accounts.

Your location doesn't tell them anything, they would have to make a calculation of where you spend most of your time, of which they can't even be sure is your home or work, and then use those coördinates to find an address. Then they would have to trace who lives on that location and, unless you live completely alone

If you start logging in to social media or free mail providers, sure. If you just use your phone to call people or even just browse the web you are nobody to the provider. Of course authorities can track who is calling, but they generally don't sell off your data.

That tv still works fine without accepting the terms of service, it will only disable it's smart functionalities. In your original post you said 'Need a new TV? They're all smart TVs and if you disagree with the ever increasingly invasive TOS, they stop working.'. They don't stop working, the only take out the smart

What are you talking about? There isn't a single smart tv that won't work without giving your data. All of them have standard offline cable connectors and work just fine with those.

Hmmh, that is a good point, they seem to last a lot longer these days. Doing that will indeed take up the time that should have been filled with actual storytelling ...

I really don't think this has changed at all though, there are so many old movies that relied on blowing shit up as well, usually at ten different angles for 20 minutes straight while stunned actors looked in silence. People just tend to remember the good movies over the bad ones when nostalgia kicks in.

Old movies have been doing that too you know, plenty of super scripted action scenes there too, a fight looked more like a slow motion dance than an actual fight. Only difference is that you can't see wires anymore now.

I agree with this. The point of most movies isn't to make you wonder how they made it, the point is that it feels so real you never even think of the fact that it's all fake.

What, you can't spare 15 bucks a month extra? Time to get your shit together dude.

The only reason this happens is because people are still accepting gigs like this. Spending money when you can get it for free would be pretty silly, even if you have tons of money.

I'm on Mazrigos (EU) myself, it was shit to never see anybody before but with the new server merge it's gotten a lot better. Hopefully yours will work when the weekend comes :)