
I never even heard of zucchini bread before, you have given me something to make later today, cheers!

You really don't deserve the hate you are getting here and it shows the biggest problem with this whole situation: people don't want to listen. You didn't even give an opinion, just tried understanding both points of view and what do you get? Hate.

That's .. a really good idea. You have sites like this for every piece of technology, travel, lifestyle and restaurants but nothing of the sort for makeup and beauty.

Yeah I agree, that's indeed what I meant. Nobody gets arrested for just browsing, these guys were doing much more then that.

Wait, are you saying /b never had child pornography or that you never opened the images? In my couple of years on 4chan I have seen some pretty bad influxes of child pornography, usually when the site was under atack or the servers were screwing up. Hasn't happened in the last couple of years, moderators are much

You are seriously delusional if you think vaginal orgasms are a myth. Also, having vaginal and clitoral orgasms at the same time is the best.

In the comments: A bunch of dudes stating they don't like heels and some women stating they actually do like them. We aren't wearing heels for you guys, we don't need your opinion.

You can still reach outland by using the portal in the major cities.

I love a creepy atmosphere but hate jump scares, telling me up front that there are none is going to make this movie much more enjoyable to watch. Will have to check this out, cheers!

While I do agree with you that just getting rid of people like this might be a good idea, it won't be cheaper for the tax payers. Death penalty actually costs the state more than life in prison, google it you'll be surprised!

"Do you think Scandal has impacted and affected the way that women dress now?"

Well this thread has blown up terribly!

Allright, makes sense! I never got into LoL much and was wondering.

Just out of curiosity, why do you call this a LoL clone and not a DotA clone? The map is a near exact copy of the original warcraft mod that started all this mess, hell Lol is basically a DotA clone itself.

Eh no, google doesn't host anything, they just link to pictures hosted elsewhere. You can try to sue the websites that actually host the pictures but you can't sue google because their crawler found a link you don't like somewhere.

This made me smile! I feel the same way about my partner and I don't think romance is dead at all, people in a good relationship just don't shout about it as hard as the ones that are all screwed up :)

What caused ultra-high-energy cosmic rays to even come into existence, the event behind this must be mind boggling.

Well, there could be .. we barely know what is going on in our own solar system let alone the rest of our galaxy. There might be a huge space faring civilization that just hasn't expanded enough yet for them to see us.

Your lack of siphon coffee is disturbing.

Yeah I did play it on chaos and I guess you can see it that way. I suppose both games can be played with either more skill or more grinding.