
Why are you saying women have more power actually? Men still run politics and decide what is best for the community. Women only have power over the household, which means they have to do all the housework too.

Damn, and here I was thinking men in our society had it good.

That's actually exactly what is happening and what Pinkham claims is ok. People order food not knowing what it is and then complain that they don't like what they ordered. I completely agree that it is ok to send food back if it's ill prepared or has bad ingredients but it's a huge waste to send back perfectly fine

Agreed. Food isn't something that can just be taken back and re-used for other people. If you order something and don't know what it is you have no right to force them to throw that food away, what a waste ...

Sending something back just because you don't like the flavor is probably the most wasteful and American thing I have ever heard. Order something you know if you don't want to take a risk, or just eat the goddamn food, you won't die from it.

If he chooses to do that with his holidays over, say, traveling somewhere, why not? It's cheaper too. Some people have free time you know.

I'm pretty sure one week of vacation and some stocking up on food beforehand would have been enough to get this amount of playtime.

Yeah, his lawyer does indeed state that he didn't confess anything, the ABC article also doesn't link any sources or official statements so I'm not sure about all this. If he didn't confess it might explain why there are no official charges.

Let it grow! I seriously regretted cutting my hair once. Ok, I love playing with hair and don't mind the maintenance work so that might be related but it was so annoying to not be able to make a decent ponytail (without looking 12) or sticking it up for fancy events.

Oh man, people here are almost crucifying you. This is what Jezus must have felt like.

I assume he can yes, the law doesn't specify gender. Not sure if they would pay much attention to his claim though, that's a different story.

We all know where that would go. White man catcalling: oh, he wasn't trying to scare you! Black man shouting at a friend: Obvious harrassement of that woman over there!

Almost any article that deals with the law, statistics and research here is poorly written and generally only shows a tiny slice of the truth, just enough to make people angry without realising they are angry over nothing.

Let me guess, you only read this article and not the actual law proposal?

This movie is a great way to show other kids that coming out doesn't have to bad if the mother consented to posting this to youtube. If she didn't and the kid just posted one of her most private confessions for the whole world to see he is a huge asshole and doesn't deserve a mother that great.

I haven't played this game but I have played a ton of dynasty warriors. The only similarity between this and diablo is that they are both grindy games, you must replay parts that are nearly identical over and over to get better.

Who cares about natural lubrication? Just get some regular lube or put some of that genitals soap down there and it feels just the same!

Random fact time! There is no blood left in steak when you buy it in the store, the red liquid is just water in the meat mixed with a protein called myoglobin, which is common in red meats.

The fine ladies of New York can buy condoms too you know.

Look, I know that's what a lot of people seem to think here but it is against to law if that cop received a phone call explaining an illegal act (like having sex in public). This gives him a probable cause and there is no way around that.