
Belgium, any transaction that doesn't involve a credit card doesn't cost extra here. All bars and restaurants accept debit cards so all is fine.

Sure, plenty. This works for us so we never bothered looking for something else.

No fines here no, I'm not American though so that might be why.

Why does your bank make an issue out of people transfering money? O_o

That's pretty cool :)

Sure, I guess not everybody has money on their account at all times. I never had to wait longer than a day though, but that might be because I'm in Belgium?

I'm 24 but most of my friends are late 20s/early 30s, I don't think I have any videos I can show you :)

Yep, super easy! Just keep contacts in the bank app the same way you would have them in your phone and transfering is only one click (or swipe, whatever) away! Enjoy this newfound power.

When we are out with friends we usually just have one person pay with card and everybody else transfering their share to his/her account.

That is a great analogy you made there! I had a laugh.

That would indeed be the non-cynical way to look at it :)

And afterwards she immediatly contacted the media for attention. I'm way too cynical to believe this.

This is depressing.

Technology is a wonderful thing ;)

This is true and very common indeed, usually you can prove it wasn't you when they search your computer but it's still a lot of shit to go through.

Programs don't look at pictures the same way we do:

God, thank you! People who think some random google employee will see their naked pictures don't seem to understand the huge amount of traffic these guys get every day and the technology they use for their focused ads.

They aren't even 'looking through your mails', the massive amount of traffic they have would make this impossible to begin with. They just use algorithms to detect strings that they can base their ads on, and clearly to detect known child pornography too.

Thank you! I get so annoyed by all the idiots who think some random guy is looking at their e-mails. Gmail has billions and billions of mails sent every day, if you think they will pick out your mail with a false positive you clearly have no idea how advanced technology is at this point in time.

Oh god, whenever our CEO gets an e-mail we know we are in the shit. And I work in the marketing department!