
1945 male tears.

That's good to hear, a lot of people on this website sound like they live for sex sometimes ...

I understand what she tries to say but I don't like the "It WILL happen" tone she has. I mean, what about people who only have had 1 partner (me)?

It greatly depends on the person I think. For me, having sex is really not important. I have it but it's maybe number 15 on my "what do I want to do with my day" list and I mainly have it because I like connecting to my partner who I love.

Ok, fair enough. We will just have to wait and see.

That isn't even necessary, you can get all your protiëns from vegetables like chickpeas and beans or eat some nuts and tofu. Only when farming vegetables would become impossible will we need to eat bugs.

Yes agreed, I didn't mean that he shouldn't get any punishment either.

I actually agree with you here, people on this website go on and on about how kids can't think logically yet and how making bad decisions is normal at that age but for some reason this guy was suddenly well aware of the potential damage he was doing and now needs to be punished. Come on guys, he's 17, he does stupid

Really you guys? It's just a stupid kid sending a stupid message. What happened to the "Oh, kids do the most silly things, boy was I lucky not to have social media in my day!" mentality you usually have here. Posting his personal information was just not ok.

Yeah, i agree with you. None of my friends like to talk about the toys they use or the porn they watch, but talking about the sex they have is totally ok. I just don't get it, it's the same thing to me.

Hey, I'm a bit late with my response but I have been in your shoes, I didn't touch another person in any way untill I was 23. When I finally went on a date I was seriously worried, I mean how could I possible give a decent kiss, will I even figure out how to? Let alone anything more.

That sounds like an awesome game!

NO! Baked beans are a food of the gods, the gods I tell you!

Whenever I go out I carry some bananas with me, if I think I have encountered a human I will try to make them eat it. If it looks like they greatly enjoy it I will assume they are secretly monkeys and avoid them at all costs, if they don't look very happy I will assume they are human and also avoid them at all costs.

Yeah, if a little me would ever happen I think I will look into that :)

Pretty unrelated but am I the only one that cringes a bit whenever an article about breastmilk arises? I just can't imagine having milk inside of me and feeding it to a baby, I tried to rationalise it but it freaks me out as much as thinking of needles :-/

Contract is of course supposed to be "contrast" but kinja isn't letting me edit.

She probably shouldn't wear smooth transitioning colors or pastels, she needs a hard contract to really shine. She will most probably still look fine, but why go for fine if you can go for fabulous.

Damn, that sucks for him. I think a lot of guys that get this treatment wouldn't say anything because it's supposed to be "cool to get hit on" as a guy ...

"Wait, I have to click a button? A BUTTON? I shouldn't have to click anything! What do you mean I can bookmark kotaku core instead of the main page? I shouldn't have to because I say so!"