
This seriously needs to be understood better and is often forgotten when it comes to internet arguments. Women are just less resistant than men, that is a fact. I don't care that your cousin helga can beat up 20 guys whil drinking 4 liters of beer, when it comes to well trained olympic athletes the differences between

Who is this for? Are there people that are interrested in limited editions and still don't have a 3DS yet? Are there people that buy more than 5 versions of the same handheld? I guess I just don't get it, I bought the fire emblem 3DS as my first and I really don't see any reason to get another :-/

Oh hey, that's not nearly as bad as it looks then! Thanks for posting that :)

I am very jealous :)

Wow wow, hold it right there. Central heating doesn't do shit to fix a damp dungeon. Is it cold? Install central heating! Is it damp? Install a motherfucking climatisation system bitches.

Oh man I agree with you. I was always plotting and planning, sneaking and killing off people one by one, and then BAM MUTANTS TO THE FACE GET OUT THE BIG GUNS.

Jesus, this is the biggest magic rip-off I have ever seen.

You sleep deeper than the dead, that is awesome.

This image, why is she wearing a T-shirt full of black people? I can't even ...

These dresses are stunning and cover most color types, there's something for everybody!

Damn, you and MissAnnthropist just make me want to get married ...

That's amazing, gratz!

I bit morbid but sure.

Oh don't ask me, I just think I'll be dust after I die.

Correction: a beard makes you sexy if you can grow a decent one and you actually trim and take care of it! (And if your face looks like his)

Wait so .. nobody goes to hell then? Why is it even there to begin with.