
Uterine prolapse is terrifying. Every time I think about it, I start doing kegels. It happens because there is damage to the pelvic ligaments and/or tissues from aging (low estrogen), being overweight in that area and having pressure on those ligaments (since you cannot see your insides, how are you supposed to know

My then 7 year old daughter once made a narwhal out of plasticine for a diorama. It looked like a grayish penis with a string of semen coming out of the top. Of course, she had also drawn a smiley face on it. She proudly pointed it out to me at an open house. It took everything in me to acknowledge her artistic

Over the past year I have developed a wicked addiction to cupcakes and ginger ale. The weird thing is that I don't even LIKE cake. But those itty bitty cakes are so comforting. Its like a hug starting from my belly.

In the past 12 months ending in June, sales of women's pants have grown thanks to all that new looser, normcore-inspired denim on the market. But even as women may be embracing this loser fit, they are still loving their skinny jeans.

When your tummy is that flat, you eat a grape and you look pregnant. I am looking forward to next week's headline about Jen stress eating because she found a split end, accompanied by photo of belly bloat.

Its horrifying when you think of it. I started getting attention at that age too. Its overwhelming and embarrassing at the time. I had men come up to me and speak to me - follow me and that was terrifying.

I know! What is with all the strollers? If your kid can ride a roller coaster, they do not need a stroller.

My mother is white and my father is Chinese. She is blonde, blue eyed and fair skinned. He has very dark, almost black hair, dark brown eyes and fairly dark coloured skin. I, and all of my siblings, have varying shades of dark brown hair and brown eyes. None of us is as dark skinned as my father nor as light as my

'Because Reality TV stars are compensated and choose to be in the role they are in, whereas the anonymous woman is not?'

I will admit to not having time to click through at the moment - thus, I will be leaving the window open until I get home from work. However, BMI is combined with waist measurement to look at obesity (over 30 inches). Its central obesity that is dangerous and the fat that is visceral more than just under your skin.

What I love in this article:

Its probably gorgeous in person. This satiny fabric doesn't photograph well and having folds only emphasizes the problem.

I sit next to a throat clearer. He also likes to suck back snot and slurp all of his food. He makes loads of personal calls.

Yep. You nailed it. But, I think the fact that there is so much intolerance directed at the thin reveals a lot about the author's true feelings about size.

Your comment is based upon the story.

You hit the nail on the head here.

What are you? is the most common manifestation of this line of questioning (in my experience) and when its not promptly answered, followed by, you're so exotic looking! If I do answer, people may argue, oh but you are tall (I'm not particularly tall - a little over 5'8") or your eyes are so big (I'm half Chinese.

Actually, what makes one a laughingstock is taking one's self far too seriously and allowing one's self worth to be determined by the fact that others enjoy wearing costumes because life is for the living.

Oh yeah? When is Disney going to do something about those double wide strollers that are everywhere now?

Consent. You need to be able to consent to participate legally. People who are impaired do not have the capacity to enter into a contract.