
However, my mother did lecture her for being sacrilegious while posing with a statue of St. Joseph. My daughter was leaning in to kiss him on the lips. I told her that is what facebook privacy filters are for - keeping grandparents from seeing your shenanigans.

One of the sweetest things that I recently witnessed (okay, it was 18 months ago) was my daughter panicking that she did not know how to sew on a button. This was the night before she was leaving for freshman year at university. She sat down with my mother and learned how to do it. I really wish I had thought to

Honey, Hottie, Gorgeous, my little China Girl, Doll face, Beautiful.

Hmmm... I am looking at that misery loves alcohol t-shirt and thinking that is a pretty good after work t-shirt to go with my glass of red wine.

I find the increase in price in so called luxury goods to be completely insane. I know that as a university student, some 20+ years ago, I did not think it was unreasonable to buy Donna Karan. Now, I look at the price of her clothes and roll my eyes.

Can we publicly brand them on the forehead so that sane people can avoid accidentally having intercourse with one of these loonies?

Well, at least they are studying it is all I can say.

No. Just No. This kind of crap is totally wrong.

Yep, you Americans have really shockingly short parental leave provisions. It doesn't really give much opportunity to establish a good milk supply/breast feeding routine. I'm Canadian so I had a year off. And well, its easy to make mistakes with breast feeding - its not like its instinctual. I know many of my friends

Or a bitter Vancouverite ;-)

Wayne GretZky

#2 - False.

Yep, that's it. He's just not very bright. He actually reminds me a bit of Spicolli.

They aren't pro-life.

Heartburn is from stomach acid splashing up out of your stomach. It is painful and some foods can trigger it but it is not a food allergy.

This made me laugh. Especially the very poor criminal mastermind skills.

You're my hero!

Certainly your parents could have waited until you were in bed to watch the movies they wanted to see. Its called, delayed gratification and a good lesson for children to learn. Sometimes, as an adult, you do have to learn to set priorities in life and one of those things is learning that watching violent movies is

Aw, thanks. We're just human. I think people like to imagine that they will be heroic in these situations but the truth is, you just don't know how you will react. Sometimes, your body or your mind just won't cooperate with the circumstances.

Your ovaries are part of your endocrine system and if you have a family history of auto immune endocrine disorders, you may want to think twice about doing something like not having a period. Changes in your period will likely be one of the first signs of autoimmune issues (thyroid disease or premature ovarian