Had to scroll way too far for this. Those are 100% hired words.
Had to scroll way too far for this. Those are 100% hired words.
Torch, I love your writing. I also love critiquing the orange man. However, this article was completely unreadable because it was broken apart by no more and no less than EIGHTEEN(!) advertisements. What gives?
I grew up in the DSM scene. I never ONCE met someone who separated the generations out like you do. You must be a 4th gen owner. A 2006-2012 owner, that is.
^This. The truck simply merged into a left turn lane and noticed some idiot coming straight at him so he slowly came to a stop, since wasn’t in any real danger. That car apparently wasn’t looking ahead until the last second.
Absofuckinglutely. Doug!!
Holy shit. I just realized that. It’s been lying dormant in my subconscious all this time!
I... I can’t look away.
Man, I really don’t get it. I sometimes wonder if your articles went “viral” and picked up some of the riff raff of the internet on the way back. Perhaps people can’t look past the money and watch/read your articles with a negative connotation? Either way, don’t change a thing about you Doug. Your fans far outgrow…
Good lord. As someone in the industry I can say this dealer went above-and-beyond. A true shame Chrysler failed them.
Doug, where do you get these amazing license plates?
Yeah, but the dam guy would have been much more precise.
Please please please!
The video. The article. This was fantastic. Please stick around, Mr. Lally!
It doesn’t get better than this, folks.