
Darya Fowler seems nice too

That pass is even more incredible from this angle:

We’ll see if Kershaw is a true Dodger once the media starts questioning him about this issue.

Nice bicycle kick.

In all seriousness, that took once in a lifetime timing and to think it happened on a big stage at such a crutial time. Pretty damn cool.

The finest looking bicycle kick I’ve ever seen.

You sound like an asshole.

You clearly think that pushing someone isn’t as bad as pointing out your ridiculousness. You are very self-centered at this point in your life.

Clarification: Defending lady pusher = incivility, calling you weak shit = true

If this is how you think people should treat each other, then nothing I say can change that. Survival of the fittest and all that, eh?

Watch the video. Definition of a fuck face. I’m sure he has fun dominating his 6 year old in hoops and getting in his face talking trash. Should he be doxxed? I don’t know for sure, but if you are going to publically body check an old woman then brush her dismissively aside afterwards, I think you can’t be too

He pushed her. You and he are quite uncivilized. You’re weak shit.

Your mother must be so proud.

In my high school German class, "fünf gegen eins" (five against one) was used as a code for masturbation.

This had to be Don Lemon's idea.

I can't get past Jefferson being refered to a "the Mavs star". Weird

slow news day? Clickbait. I've seen much worse.

Props to the old man for naming his kid LeBron James Jr. Always great to start life with absurdly unrealistic expectations.

I was pretty turned off by the hour long assembly he held just to announce what lunch table he was sitting at.