What Would Raskolnikov Do?

You definitely should fly to the moon, Jesus Barbie. Do it. Do it now.

He has a criminal record as long as my arm, including an arrest for domestic abuse involving Jenelle. In fact, I think I read recently that he is in jail yet again right now.

As I fellow redhead, I feel your pain regarding the colors generally available in cosmetic gift offers.

I swear by Lancome, period. Though I have tried pretty much every cosmetic brand in existence over the past 30+ years, I always come back to Lancome.

He is definitely a very big dog, and he looks pretty scary since the Rott is dominant; but if someone broke into my house, he would kill them only by loving them to death. :)

My Rott/Shep mix weighs 135 (Rott is dominant), so he is not the size his mix would suggest. At least he realizes when he is murdering me with his love though, hehe.

I have a lovable Rottweiler/Shepherd mix (rescued dog) who just cannot understand that he is a very large dog. He actually thinks he is a little lap dog, though he can really only fit a very small portion of his body onto my lap. Personally, I think it is adorable.

Okay ... so that makes it even stranger that she did not have a black eye at the White Party or in any of the many photos of her birthday party, no?

Russell did fine with her, he even made faces to make Kennedy smile. He was not sure what to fix her for lunch, true, but that describes probably half the dads in the US, and at least he made the effort to fix her something she would eat.

Please do not stop commenting on Jez. I already have you hearted from quite some time ago (not sure if from here or Gawker, but undoubtedly for a Real Housewives comment since I associate you with that show). Your comments add a dimension to these particular discussions which otherwise does not exist on Jez, and I

There was a scene in Season One wherein Russell took care of Kennedy by himself. In that scene, he was fixing her lunch. He actually seemed to relate to the child much better than her mother did, interestingly enough.

She is already being slaughtered on the Real Housewives blogs. One of them has compiled all her major media appearances about the abuse along with a detailed timeline, including many photos, which they claim disproves every abuse allegation she has made thus far in the media. I have not examined their proof in any

When was the alleged injury, in relation to this video? Was it before this video was shot?

Thank you very, very much for taking the time to watch it with sound, and explain your impressions to me. I am very sorry however that it triggered your symptoms; if I had any idea that would happen, I would never have asked you to watch it. So for that reason, I most sincerely apologize.

Thanks for that alternative viewpoint, and for sharing your disorder. I absolutely agree that they need help, but I strongly suspect that the help they need is psychiatric in nature. After reading your response, I believe that even more strongly.

When I watched that video, even before I read the post, my thought was either conversion disorder, or just plain faking an illness for attention. I have had more than one friend with a movement disorder which looks very similar to this (one had Parkinsons, which I observed personally from diagnosis to end-stage; I am

Yes indeed, you have a great memory!

I covet the Gucci shrug, but the two dresses are too different for the new one to be heralded a copy. Did they get the idea from Gucci? Maybe, but I guarantee Gucci got the idea from somewhere else. Such is the nature of fashion.

No, that was just a joke she was playing on the guy she met at the supermarket. The baby actually belonged to a friend of her daughter.

Dark Shadows actually was a soap opera in the 60s, and this is just a movie based on that. I used to watch it on television when I was a kid, it came on shortly after I would get home from school. It was not bad, as soap operas go.