What Would Raskolnikov Do?
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This was foretold by the prophet Steven Spielberg.

I agree, Brandi does not seem to fit in with the other ladies. Lisa seems to be warming up to her though, since she appreciates Brandi's sense of humor, so they might bring her back.

I refuse to watch Housewives spinoffs, period.

When you make your living by broadcasting your allegedly perfect life to the entire world, you do not get to ask for privacy when it all goes to hell. Just ask Kim Kardashian.

Is this going to be something like when Anonymous threatened the Zetas? Because that worked out beautifully, especially for their spokesperson Barrett Brown. Is he still in hiding after repeatedly mouthing off to a murderous drug cartel, by the way?

This is an even better comment, when read in the voice of Phaedra Parks.

It is very difficult to believe that this guy never even bothered to read his own business website.

Responding to approve comment.

Yes, this is very old. In fact, I wrote that comment almost six months ago.

Good for you. However, I am quite sure that it is far, far more difficult to get a degree in Music than to get one in Theater Arts, regardless of which university one attends. A Music degree requires talent, after all, whereas a Theater degree does not.

To answer your question, I did not go to medical school, since I never intended to become a physician. I do, however, have a PhD in Criminology from FSU, and many years of experience in the field; as such, I am extremely well qualified to say everything I have said or will say on this topic. Thanks for asking, so we

These are depositions taken, before the trial, of psychologists who examined her (including one who originally examined her for competency at the order of the court, shortly after her original arrest in 2008). This is therefore not a ploy to garner sympathy in hopes that people forgot the details. It was the judge

If you actually believe that the "only" difference between Casey Anthony and a sexual sadist turned serial killer is gender and body count, then you really should stop watching Nancy Grace.

Hahaha, that may be true, but she did just have a child, so she could not be that much older than 40.

So a woman being spayed like a dog, rather than being treated like a human being with dreams, hopes, and desires, is worth a measly $50,000 in North Carolina.

I respectfully disagree, as I read the "beast" statement as a commentary on her beastly behavior.

It really should specify which circle of hell, though, if it is a paid service. That actually would be possible, since Dante described them all quite well and a computer program could scan your Facebook posts to place you in one with some precision.

I feel bad for Barbara. Jenelle refused to even get her ass out of bed long enough to watch her own child, just so Barbara could go pay the sewer bill. So poor Babs ended up bundling the baby and taking him with her yet again, though she was rushing to get the bill paid by a deadline.

Rachel is just now 40, so that "before" photo was taken when she was still in her 30s. I wonder if she spent a lot of time in the sun when she was younger?

I have put off saying this for a long time now, but here goes .... I would like to share more of your posts, especially since you have the handy-dandy share function built into the site, but cannot do so many times because pretty much everyone I know would be offended by the F-bombs in them. So instead I have to