What Would Raskolnikov Do?

Opana is a potentially deadly combination of Oxycontin and Morphine, and while some people legitimately need that level of pain relief, it has killed even a lot of longtime opiate addicts the very first time they took it, despite their tolerance level. When it is killing people right and left, and even the addicts

Nah, I would still be thinking that she needs to stop whining. All she ever does is whine. If she is not whining about her marriage, she is whining about her sister, or her brother, or her mother, or something else. It just never ends.

You must understand, from a criminology viewpoint, that this particular rapist was escalating very quickly. From the description of the crimes he was becoming increasingly violent, the time lapse between rapes had shortened significantly, and it is thus clear that the rapes and even the violence were not satisfying

The lei/lay thing creeped me out too. I felt like telling them to get a room.

What this tells me is that the governor heard the murderers side of the story, they painted it as if the victims provoked their own deaths, and he was stupid enough to believe them.

I can't decide if she is dumber than dirt, or dumber than a box of rocks. Either way, this is what happens when mothers raise their children to become celebrities, rather than ensuring that they receive a quality education. (No, a degree in Theater Arts from the University of Arizona does not count as a quality

While I do not always find things of this nature disturbing, this disturbs me. A lot. Holly Madison is not fat by any stretch of the imagination, so this kind of bullshit can only do more harm than good.

I just tried again, and it worked! It must have just been site issues. :)

If Jeff Ashton really wants Casey Anthony to disappear into obscurity, then why did he write a book about the case? Seems disingenuous at best.

Diane Dimond is not a credible journalist, though, so one must take that into account in deciding whether they truly are interesting and/or bearable.

I am not sure about that, but I seem to recall that Dr. Drew (board-certified internist) examined her, and he believed she did not have it.

It was published a while back, and was thoroughly shitcanned. Diane Dimond basically kissed both their asses throughout, from what I understand, and now she is taking sides in the divorce in order to get attention for herself. She does that whenever she can get her claws into a celebrity scandal. She treated

Do you have a link to said trainwreck?

I got the impression that he was psychologically/emotionally abusive, not only because he sued his own parents, but also because Michaele seemed nervous and afraid to contradict him. I am no Michaele fan either (nor am I a fan of Diane Dimond, who I consider to be a hack due to her coverage of the Michael Jackson

My baloney has a first name, it's T-A-R-E-Q .......

You are sooooo hearted for that one!

Celebrity Rehab made a huge mistake by covering "love addicts" (and splitting off into another show called Sex Rehab), so I am not at all surprised that they are not making a new season. Sometimes, you just have to know who your audience is (and more importantly, who it is not).

I definitely do not give a shit at my seasoned age, and in fact, I have been more recently known to come right out and say that from time to time. As for mischief, yes, a wee bit is always good, and keeps the blood flowing.

I am 49, postmenopausal, and this was my thought as well.

This is not based upon anything but my gut feeling, since I obviously have not met either of the Sanduskys. However, my gut tells me that she not only knew about it and turned a blind eye (and a deaf ear), she was complicit in helping him cover it up. Proving that in a court of law, however, is another question