What Would Raskolnikov Do?

That is an excellent suggestion for how to choose the books. I would definitely join your book club!

Great suggestion, thanks!

I actually wish you lived in my area, because I would definitely join your book club.

Thanks, that Persephone article (and your comment) are very helpful!

She was not even alone with the student, as they were at a school function in full view of everyone, and she had parental permission as well. So unless there is proof of an inappropriate relationship between her and the student, they are completely overreacting by asking her to resign.

I am just glad to see that LiLo is a redhead again. It looks much better on her, I think.

This time last year, he posted excitedly on his Facebook about a very large tumor (orange size) shrinking.

The letter is very strangely written. For example, right off the bat it used the (obviously incorrect) phrase ''me and my brother'', but then uses phrases like ''encouraging inappropriate impulses'', and words like revulsion. Also, the flow of the writing is very choppy and unnatural.

If feminists believe that the criminalization and stigmatization of prostitution is an archaic social policy, then why should we be upset if men are paying for the services of those sex workers?

Even the idea of airing family dirty laundry on Facebook makes my internal organs cringe. The truth of the matter is that any relative who says things like that is probably crazy, and everybody knows it. Why argue with a crazy person? That makes no sense. I therefore see no reason to engage in even worse behavior

Tramadol worked well for me, but it was not for typical pain. I was prescribed it in combination with Neurontin (which I still take, and it is a real lifesaver) for a spinal cord injury which causes some pretty strange pains.

I have taken three 10 mg (highest dosage) Lortab per day for years due to severe arthritis, so I can attest to that it gives energy. However, that effect is probably due to the fact that chronic pain itself is exhausting, so if you lessen that pain to a more tolerable level without overmedicating (Lortab is not one

Since I have long wanted to start a book club (shocking if you look at my username, I know) I was hoping that these would be actual tips.

I could be wrong, but something about her story just does not ring true. I would therefore have to see some kind of proof, beyond a self-taken cell phone photo of her wearing a bathrobe (which is certainly not proof that she wore it because her employer required her to wear it).

Hate to tell him this, but if it ever gets to an appellate court, they will overturn his custody on the basis that pets are property. As such, a court can grant ownership, but it cannot grant custody.

This is extremely scary. Not only was my son allergic to the pertussis vaccine, so he has not been vaccinated beyond initial immunization (though he is grown now), but we also take care of a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy, and only has one lung. Something tells me whooping cough could kill him even easier

The difference is that this one does not have to be shipped off for testing. You get the results at home shortly after the test, not unlike (for example) a pregnancy test.

She had a temperature of 109 and was throwing up blood, and the hospital sent her home?

The only thing even remotely interesting about this is that the baby's bowels are on the outside of its body.

I think you make valid points, but she strikes me as someone who is acting out sexually due to prior abuse.