What Would Raskolnikov Do?

I am listening to the free stuff right now, and I never, ever give my credit card information online. You only do that when (and if) you want to buy something.

Sorry, I just now came back to this post, and saw that I did not respond to you originally.

Oh yes, that was strange. Did you see where she said that she feels called to help the grieving, as long as their insurance policy is in force? Good grief.

Even I was using Twitter before Ashton joined, and I am a Gigantic Old. So no, he did not make Twitter successful. He just happened to come along at a time when he could later claim credit for its success.

I have Comcast, and in my area, it did not say it was a test. It said that there was something going on in Washington DC. I do not recall exactly what it said, but I got the impression that they supposedly were closing down the city to stop anyone from entering. Also, the alarm sound which it makes was louder than

People today are lucky to have two real friends in their entire life, no matter how social they may be.

Dr. Drew probably just wants Kim Kardashian to appear on Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew, for a ''love addiction''.

How cool is the name Jesus Christ Duggar?

If a plastic surgery specialist examined her face and declared that it is suspicious, and that she looks much older than 17, that really does lend credence to the theory that she is not really just 17 years old.

My honest opinion is that she and Michael Lohan are both bat-shit. They both seem to have very serious addiction issues, and they both seem to have very serious mental problems. I therefore do not know what to believe, and what not to believe.

That was the tackiest funeral I have ever seen, or even imagined. Good grief, if my relatives buried me in that manner, I would come back and haunt their asses.

Why would it affect the way doctors treat patients who are in pain? Michael Jackson was being treated for insomnia, not pain.

I must REALLY be old, because when I read Michael MacDonald, I thought you were talking about the singer for the Doobie Brothers.

Just so you know, this particular post cannot be shared on Facebook because it has been reported as abusive. I suspect the problem is the F-bomb in the last paragraph, since I share from Gizmodo and Gawker all the time and have never gotten that message before; but I normally will not share posts with that particular

No matter how happy they may seem at the age of two (and pretty much all two-year-olds are happy, as long as they receive love), they should be separated simply because they are two separate human beings. If they are not separated, what will happen when they develop an interest in boys, or want to have children?

When my son was little, over 20 years ago, there was no vaccination for chicken pox, so I have heard of parents intentionally exposing their children. There were even pediatricians who recommended that parents expose their children, so they would not get the far more severe form of the disease as adults. At that

Thanks for the alert about the +1 button for Chrome, because none of the extensions I have tried has that option, and many sites have not updated to add the +1 option yet. I am not sure if I would actually use the YouTube extension, but I will definitely check it out.

I have used Google Reader for years, and it is pretty much unchanged on my computer since I never used the share function anyway. However, it now keeps closing my Opera Mobile (being used with Windows Mobile 6.5) every single time I use it.

If there is only one thing the Kardashians are great at, it is faking it until they make it.

Given that she is a legal adult, her sex life is no one's business. Yes, that includes if she wants to film it and put it on the internet. People do that all the time, it is quite common. I would never do it, but again, it is none of my business, so I do not judge.