What Would Raskolnikov Do?

The problem with that theory is that Kim has been married before, and most people who would not consider an NBA player to be a loser.

I did not see that, but I will have to watch again just to see - thanks!

I have a son the age of Kris Humphries, and I would pitch a damn fit if he announced that he was marrying that no-talent famewhore Kim Kardashian. So it is altogether possible that his folks hate Kim and that she knows it, since I would hate her too, and would make no secret of it. I still do not buy that as the

The old hippy in me has pondered if it is possible that all the earthquakes and extreme weather phenomena are caused by Mother Earth rebelling against us, due to overpopulation. At a certain point in overpopulation we become parasites, after all.

Nope, just don't say anything at all. Expect him to call you, given that he was playing games by waiting a week to write again. If he does not call, do not give in and call him, because that alone will tell you that he is not what you are looking for.

I found the alleged suicide note, written on the door in paint - 'She saved him can you save her' - to be extremely curious. Unless she was trying to frame someone, or unless she normally referred to herself in the third person or was given to speaking in puzzles, it seems unlikely that she wrote it.

I am quite sure that it is not helping her mental state to repeatedly be called "Uniboob".

I suspect it was not a single note, given the severity of my reaction, but in all honesty, I am afraid to even try to find out.

I wish these people would read The Infancy Gospels, but they left that part out out of the Bible because it does not fit their idea of Jesus as the perfect human. Apparently as a child, Jesus would have killed (or maybe only blinded) every single one of them, and their children too, just for pissing him off. Even

In fairness, the return to God comment references that those who strictly follow the moral code of the Bible do not have premarital sex. No premarital sex = no premarital pregnancies.

I adore perfume, but after being sickened to the point of being rushed to the hospital via ambulance when a client once wore a fragrance called Poison to my office - I had an immediate and violent allergic reaction, and within a minute at most was coughing so hard that I literally could not breathe and actually lost

When I was a teenager, I worked in a sporting goods store. One day I got a call from a guy asking about jock straps. When I told him that we did indeed carry them, he informed me that he needed to know if we carried size XXL, because his dick was so big. I pretended like I didn't even really catch what he was

Thank you for sharing that terrible story, and I very much hope your mother is doing better. If you do not mind my asking, how long ago was this, and does your mom still fear possible retribution for serving on that jury?

I guess this means Joseph Gordon-Levitt's ''music'' career is over already.

We can only hope.

That was the actual song, though, not a cover. A cover would be someone other than the original artist performing it.

Thank you very much! I have not read that one yet, but will be ordering it right now. :)

I was thinking the same thing last night, then - BAM! - there is Russell in the preview.

Based upon his obsessive and extremely aggressive behavior revolving around his relationship with Kate Major on Celebrity Rehab (not to mention his using a fake heart attack to manipulate her and others) I have no problem whatsoever believing any of these allegations against Michael Lohan.

I expect a serious shakeup in the cast, since Andy did not ask each of them if they would return for Season Five (they are currently filming Season Four), as he normally does at the reunions. The last time that happened was the New York reunion, and he ended up firing half the cast.