What Would Raskolnikov Do?

You are sooooo hearted.

While I think it is just as weird and creepy as the next person, I just cannot shake the gnawing feeling that this girl is being cruelly exploited by all the adults in her life. Given that she sometimes appears to be clearly drugged, I also cannot help but wonder if she is being abused.

I watched the show, and they had all different ages in this pageant, so she may have been a contestant.

Not all parents want a replica of themselves, and most are absolutely nothing like this freak. Good parents aspire for their child to explore and find out who they really are, rather than what their parents want them to be.

I hate to play Master of the Painfully Obvious, but she had to have known, when she committed murder, that if convicted she would be sentenced to a all-male facility.

Eventually they are going to encounter someone who is home, since they are targeting houses in broad daylight (which takes a lot of guts combined with a lot of stupidity). At that point, the crime spree could easily change from burglary into murder.

Thanks for posting the link.

Ah yes, the Diane Dimond article. Though Dimond has very little credibility as a journalist (so little, in fact, that I many times use scare quotes around the word ''journalist'' when describing her), stories about Taylor pretending to be an heir to the Ford Motor fortune, in order to get people to invest in dubious

I am already getting people in my news feed demanding that Facebook undo the changes, though I have not even gotten a chance to test the changes yet (and I doubt they have either, since they are merely subscribing to a complaint others have made, rather than verbalizing why they do not like the redesign). I am seeing

I am pretty sure they do not have a dollar between them, so the prenup is likely moot. Besides, since she left him for a guy from Journey, she does not need Tareq's coins. Neal might be in a washed-up band (with the only individually famous member being the lead singer, who has long since been replaced by some

When my brother found out I was dating a cop (I was widowed at the time) he nearly flipped out. He actually told me to get away from the guy simply because he was a cop, and therefore a control freak by definition.

If he pointed a gun at her - not once, but twice, after years of severe abuse - in my opinion, she had the absolute right to shoot his ass in self-defense.

There is not enough information about the nature of the bullying, for me to form an opinion as to the suitability of her mother giving her a weapon.

Does the crime scene support her assertion that he had a gun? It would not seem so, since the prosecution says he was shaving at the time he was shot.

Aw, they are smiling - love it!

I had never heard him before now, so thank you for posting the video.

Oh, okay. I was under the impression that he was behind you in the left turn lane. Gotcha.

As a person who has been on the other side of that kind of situation ... has it occurred to you that she may be intentionally picking places she knows you will not like, because they don't want you around all the time but don't know how to tell you?

A pic for your avatar, or a pic to include in a comment?

I would flip out of someone dropped an F-bomb in front of my child. So on that, I think Abby handled something appropriately for once. I do agree that Abby should give in to some of Kelly's demands, because her kids are talented, Abby needs them for the competition team (especially Brooke for her acrobatic skills),