What Would Raskolnikov Do?

Okay, I have to ask. What happened to precipitate the contract vs firing scenario? That seems rather unusual, to say the least. Is that what he is telling people about, or is he just generally badmouthing you?

Tell your daughter that she is a very brave young lady, because it is scary to get holes put in your ears. I waited until I was in my 30s to get my ears pierced, believe it or not!

First, are you okay?

Never buy anything you are iffy about, and never buy anything unless you have in mind exactly where you would wear it, and what you will wear it with. Otherwise, you will end up exactly where you are right now, with a mishmash of clothing you will never be able to wear.

I thought what Cathy did was abominable - while she was trying to get back at Abby, she was actually punishing the kids by pitting them against each other. She is just a horrible woman! That dance by Vivi-Anne was not good at all, even considering her age, and Cathy had no business putting Vivi-Anne in a competition

If his friends are referring to you as his girlfriend, it is confirmation that you are the only girl he is seeing. Good news, right?

There is truth in every single word which comes out of a drunk's mouth, whether they realize it or not. However, most people who drink are willing to write it all off as rambling, simply because everyone who has ever been drunk has said something they later regret.

Thank you for reminding me why I should appreciate being on the far side of menopause. If nothing else, I no longer have those symptoms.

White socks always go with sneakers, regardless of color.

I looked and looked, but never saw the Dance Moms recap for this week. That made me sad, because I really look forward to that discussion. Anybody want to talk about it here instead?

Given that paramedics had to be called after someone was severely cut by glass Wednesday night, apparently because Lindsay decided it was okay to throw drinking glasses at people, I cannot say that I blame anyone for trying to avoid her. Hell, I would not want to be around someone acting like that either, but

Aw, people always pick on those of us who are gingers - and I guess some in the animal kingdom do it too. Sad.

I bet she was more than just slightly offended, but did not know quite how to respond to such an ignorant (not to mention incredibly rude) question.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. :)

The term ''bastard child'' or ''love child'' is just a polite way to degrade and publicly humiliate the mother for pregnancy out of wedlock (and, by extension, degrade the child for having been conceived out of wedlock, despite the fact that they did not even exist at that point).

If Tareq had not screamed to the press that his wife had been kidnapped, even after being told by the police that they had spoken with her and she was fine, we still would probably not know that she had left him for another man (and even if we did know, it would not get as much attention). He therefore brought that

I personally love finding fashion deals, and am not even above shopping at Goodwill to find cool vintage clothing, but I would not be caught dead in a Payless, much less wearing their cheap-ass tacky shoes. In fact I would not wear anything designed by Christian Siriano, because his name is now synonymous with

It is pretty shitty if Bravo actually did fire Alex, but leaked the information to the press before telling her.

I just went to that site out of curiosity. I searched for a common last name, then clicked the first result. Almost every single one of the many responses are very obviously from dating scammers.

Ms. Alonzo appears to be responding to something from Ms. Upton, but I do not see it here or on her Tumblr. Does anyone have a link?