What Would Raskolnikov Do?

Perhaps the message should be that violence against anyone - regardless of orientation - will not be tolerated.

The show Medium was very loosely based on her life, but she is a carny act if I have ever seen one. Her psychic detective claims are especially amusing, since when anyone actually checks into her claims via law enforcement, they inevitably find that she was lying.

Thanks. I am not really an Allison though. I just commandeered the name so I could make fun of cheap carny act / fake medium Allison Dubois.

She does not own a house. They were only renting the one seen on the show.

I am really, really sorry you had to experience that. My mom was beaten to death by her husband when I was 15, after many years of abuse, so I feel your pain.

I am really sorry to hear that. There is nothing you could possibly have done to ever deserve being treated like that by your mother though, and I sincerely hope you understand that.

Just because charges were not brought in one case, does not mean they would not be brought in another.

Has your mother always been like that, since you were little?

If her version of events is correct, those who violated her right to medical privacy under HIPAA should face criminal charges. That will send a much louder message than a civil suit ever could.

I cannot even imagine talking to my child like that, but I have known some women who do it on a regular basis. It still blows me away whenever I hear about it. I always say something to the mother (which I can do and get away with it, since I am an Old) and I always feel sorry for their child. To me, it is

As the mother of a 24-year-old, that horrifies me. I can imagine your brother, and especially his girlfriend, were embarrassed and horrified as well.

Good for the EEOC, for filing suit against Walgreens in this case.

Adrienne Maloof is the wealthiest one in that relationship, as well as on the show, by far. Her husband Paul Nassif is a plastic surgeon, so he is hardly poor either. She and her brothers own the Palms Casino and Resort, the Sacramento Kings basketball team, and too many other businesses to mention. She and her

Re Kim Kardashian sex tape: Could the mystery buyer think that, by purchasing all rights to the video, they could make even more by suing those who have pirated it?

My niece got the HPV vaccine, and within days after the second injection, suddenly became afflicted (at age 21) with rheumatoid arthritis so severe that she can barely function. She is now in grad school, and we are unsure if she will even be able to finish her education. Yet there is no family history of either

Just today I stood up for Taylor in light of the horrible article about her in In Touch magazine, which was accusing her of milking sympathy. However, with news that she is planning to even further exploit her dead estranged husband with this book, when he has three children (two of whom are not hers), she is very

I just looked through their site, and they actually have the women and their photos ranked, from first place all the way to last place (as of now, out of 976 entries). Why was that necessary?

Sometimes, a conversation you might have with your friends will make you look incredibly stupid if you actually put it into writing. This, unfortunately, is one of those times.

Do people really need a detailed explanation for how to use an eyelash curler? I am truly curious, since their proper usage always seemed completely obvious to me.

In my school district, it was officially segregated by gender. So there were no social consequences, since it simply was not permitted, and would not even be considered.