
Well, Mr. Moore probably didn’t learn a lesson, true. He will probably remain confused and feel martyred for the rest of his days.

Good. I read his comments yesterday and, aside from thinking he had a ridiculously over-inflated sense of the cultural importance of men’s tennis, I thought his visual of all these women getting on their knees (to pray.... ri-iiiiiight) was the most telling thing.

Only when Willie Nelson’s “Cowboys Are Secretly Frequently Fond Of Each Other” comes on the radio.

I would guess that it was just a bullshit excuse to cover his ass once he made the original comment, but all it did was make him look even worse, if that’s even possible.

I have been waiting for this to happen to me. I no longer have boobs (stay classy, breast cancer) and I have very short thin hair (thanks chemo, let me buy you a drink) cut in a modified buzz cut and dyed bright blue. I tend to dress very femme and people who don’t know me well are often....curious. So far, things

I continue to ponder a quote someone posted over the weekend:

...because he wanted to ask her to dance and wanted to make sure she wasn’t a man.

It’s so so so much worse if you watch the clip of him saying it. The Indian wells douche, I mean. Grinning, confident that the things he’s saying are correct and funny, it’s so smarmy and gross and 100000x worse than just reading it.

As mentioned up thread, men have hormones too. And they use it as an excuse to stare at tits on public transport. THEY CAN’T HELP IT etc.

He’s such a sensitive guy, not like all the others, right?

A seriously problematic history indeed. With allegations of racism from arguably the best female tennis player ever. And she returns to the final after how many years and must be insulted by Moore in such a stupid, vile way? It's infuriating and he should be fired.

I really wish men would realize that they too have hormones... -_-

I liked that implication that it’s just a little secret between him and ladies. None of the other men know!

In all fairness Hasselhoff is also a big deal in Europe.

I had no idea who he was until he decided to speak about women. For our own good... I’m sure.

Seriously. I’m impressed that he manages to play even though his body is going through grappling with the testosterone that turns his gender into raging assholes.

Pretty rich to blame women’s behaviour on “hormones” when testosterone has been fucking everything up for millenia.

“They have to go through a lot of different things that we don’t have to go through. You know, the hormones and different stuff, we don’t need to go into details. Ladies know what I’m talking about,” he said.

SO disappointed.