Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself.
Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself.
Yeah this little roundup doesn’t feel snarky or clever. Someone who managed to become and remain hugely successful after childhood stardom is getting divorced, has a prenup and she smokes!? Ok, it's so bitter I'm much more on MKO's side. She had a weird life, divorce's are hard. Normally I might be cool with poking…
I am, for example, able to understand what the Nazi regime stood for without covering myself in swastikas. In fact, one of the ways I demonstrate my understanding of the Nazis is by NOT wearing their symbols.
I don’t think saying you shouldn’t compliment someone on their appearance at work really counts as acknowledging he did wrong.
There are very, very few people, historically or otherwise, who inspire such physical, visceral hate in me as Schafly does. So did so much damage, caused so many women to believe the patriarchy is good for them, caused so many men to realize the power they had over said women.
After the suggestion to watch the Great Pottery Throwdown (which you should watch), I have been down a youtube k-hole of British, low stakes competitions shows. In no particular order:
I’m a clay geek and love to throw (I have my own wheel). And it IS so nerve wracking when stuff goes in the kiln. You never quite know how it’s going to turn out, and you hope to the ceramic gods you wedged your clay well enough to get out any air bubbles (they explode in the kiln). I love all aspects of ceramic…
Insert “Eyeroll” emoji
My mom’s live would have also been transformed by universal childcare. As a kid of the late 80s with siblings who finally graduated from high school in 2012 it’s unfathomable how different her life would have been. She was a young mom who went back to school for drafting in the early 90s. She was learning the first…
I’m really feeling this, because we’re having a childcare/health insurance issue of our own right now. One of my kids can’t attend preschool without a nurse present, because the school employees can’t handle her medical issues, but insurance says it’s *home* nursing, and that we can’t have a nurse if she goes places…
My parents grew up during the Great Depression. Their descriptions of their parents and their childhoods and the lasting effect it had on them sounds very much akin to yours, Joan.
I remember as a child thinking that the people who got in to positions of power had been vetted, earned their place and would tend to use their power in a fair and impartial manner.
Children shouldn’t get 50 year sentences
He was probably just saying the thing out loud he was thinking. Oops. TBF, it’s kind of a thing started by Trump, and seems like some of his less bright (cough) followers just are following his ‘lead’. Trump does it, and doesn’t get into trouble, so... (well, so far..)
“Violence is not the answer” is some horseshit “rule” oppressive power structures want you to believe.
You see the Brett Kava-nope expression on his face at 0:11, as he closes in for that killer move, guaranteed to make all his 55 year old bros high five. To him, her ass was a golden opportunity to be king of the kegger. It’s just locker room talk, with hands!
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”
Black women have been at the forefront of every single Black movement, with the exception of this “he-man woman hater” hotep bullshit.