
Please don’t think you did anything wrong. It is not your fault we live in a world where we have to choose between standing up for yourself and keeping a job.

Ughhh Kate’s words really resonate with me today. I was sexually harassed at work by a client this week and had to decide within a split second whether to stand up for myself & possibly lose my job or brush it off so as not to “make a scene.” I chose the latter and it feels like shit.

Hulk Hogan.

Nope. Rape is never okay, even when it happens to a rapist.

Owen Labrie, who was not forced to face the consequences of disregarding rules and restrictions about consent is being sent to jail when he disregarded the rules and restrictions of his parole. It’s almost like not facing consequences for raping someone means he didn’t learn a lesson.

Which is possibly a good thing. She’ll have more power to negotiate her own contract instead of being forced to accept the winning one.

I’m not in any way commenting on whether he’s guilty or not (particularly since the university used a preponderance of evidence standard as opposed to a criminal standard), but you know what would be nice? If coaches started holding their own players accountable. The whole team blames the university and the alleged

That poor kid and his poor sisters, who were basically just told via major news outlets that they’re not good enough.

His daughters must feel so wanted and loved.

Only sons can carry on his family business? Is it operated by using one’s penis to type?

I didn’t do dumb shit like this when I was 21, and I certainly wouldn’t go partying in North Korea. We all know what the country is about. . Also the fact that he told a bunch of people he was planning to do this beforehand, I have no sympathy for this kid.

We all did dumb shit when we were 21, but we didn’t go to North Korea to do it.

That said, this is the perfect confluence of “no one cares about your stupid boner” and “everyone cares about your stupid, stupid boner.”

“But what I sent was to people who were also one of the boys. It was in the locker room.

Consider this: Perhaps black people would care less about white people taking hairstyles from us, if they weren’t also busy taking our lives and basic sense of humanity on a regular basis.

Despite the multiple warnings, I decided to watch and now I’m sobbing. Beautiful performance. I have complicated feelings toward my father. My parents divorced when I was 7 and my dad then spent a few years in prison. When he got out, he’d already linked up with a woman who had kids and I felt like an awkward outsider

You’re definitely going to need tissues. I started losing my shit about a minute and a half in, and I don’t even share any of these experiences. Now I have big fat tears all over my sweatshirt.

My dad is the best, most amazing dad I could ever hope for and I’m bawling like this happened to me. Shit, Kelly!

I won’t lie. This slayed me. My story too.

Cool, cool, I definitely needed to bawl uncontrollably at my desk before lunch on a Friday.