
Here is how the question was phrased. Again, I think we need to be fair — we are the ones who need to understand the nuance, if anyone:

Instead of going on and on about how the people against this dress code suck, can we instead turn this into a hot guys in kilts thread because hot guys in kilts, right?

I hoped to present a more fully-rounded portrait of Mr. Holtzclaw than had appeared in the press.

I and my editor at SB Nation hoped to find possible answers as to what could have led to him to become a convicted rapist and sexual predator.

...My dad cooks for us because the women work in my family. Dad wouldn’t come out of the kitchen for this asshole. (Dad is retired so he has the time to cook for us.)

I understand your issue but this is not a sexualized image. She’s not licking her lips or biting them; her mouth is closed in a relaxed position. We should absolutely criticize sexualized images of women’s bodies but we can’t assume automatically that any cropped image of a woman is inherently sexual, especially those

I’m a thin white girl with full lips and a big bottom and this whole cultural moment - including ragging on the kardashians, who *bought* their Black features and are called trashy for it- is making me feel like I’m ripping off black culture just by existing. I honesty feel awkward as hell as a white woman (not the

Okay I am losing sleep over those lips because as a ghostly pale person, I will never be able to rock a dark purple like that. On me it looks goth, on her it looks chic as fuck.

Really! There is a huge difference between “That outfit is unprofessional” and “You look like a slut in that”.

“if you criticize the woman at the business meeting for her inappropriate skin-tight tube dress, you will be called a ‘slut shamer’”

Are they just playing devil’s advocate though, so she can play her thoughts and stance off them? It’s one thing to make a statement, but it may have more impact if she debates and wins.

Yeah, Cosby was spouting that for years. Turns out it’s better to let people peek at your underwater than be a serial rapist, though.

what if the roles had be reversed and the guy changes his mind and don’t want to have sex? Exactly, then the same rules would apply and the girl now cannot force sex on the guy, however people tends to not think about putting on someone else’s shoes and see their perspective

Ditto. I have been tall and had all my lady curves since I was 11 so I quickly learned to avoid inappropriate and very creepy male attention by drowning myself in layers of flannel, tshirts, dark jeans and boots. I kept the grunge uniform up to my mid-20's. The result was people labeling me as mean/cold/butch/etc and

Dress how you want to be addressed.

From the description of your outfit I would’ve guessed they would force you to play Nirvana covers for them. What a wild twist that it has more to do with your gender than clothes!

To me, what it comes down to is this:

This is why Amber is a fucking queen.

“Dress how you want to be addressed.”

GO girl. When I was younger, I used to dress in flannel shirts and jeans to avoid attention and instead of catcalls, I got insults, and even “well-meaning,” “Why do you dress like that??” Uh, because you told me to dress down if I didn’t want your fucking attention. Here it is, now STFU.