
We had a Disney Princess first, though.

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Related: Netflix has a terrific documentary called Reel Injun that explores Hollywood’s portrayal of Native Americans from the earliest days of film to the present.

but don’t these same women have a marital obligation to have sex whenever their husbands demand it? I’m pretty sure The Church doesn’t recognize marital rape as something that can actually happen.

Rubber is God's kryptonite.

Well, the Almighty God could change when you ovulate and therefore get you pregnant with a child that was God’s will. Unfortunately, birth control > God, so that meant to be child won't be. He can create a world but can't figure a way around a tiny pill.

Sad as it is, someone listened to by millions of people is far from irrelevant, even if in a sane world they would be.

Right? The position of the Catholic church on abortion is not surprising, but their continued refusal to allow birth control is baffling.

Both my and MrStu’s family are heavily Catholic. They keep telling us how we need to come back into the fold, celebrate our faith - it’s okay to disagree on “a few minor points.”

I agree. Particularly when he advised Filipino women last year to “not breed like rabbits” yet gives them no recourse to stop that from happening aside from BS “natural family planning” which doesn’t work for most people.

“Contraceptives are not a solution.”


My mom is getting married next year and she sent me a screenshot of this (my 63-year-old mother SENT ME A SCREENSHOT) and said “my wedding dress lol.” Hilarious.

Wilton House is very beautiful and very period. God bless the UK film & TV tax credit system. (Sorry, France. You’ll have to be satisfied with your millions of tourists).

Oh, and we get to see Tobias Menzies’s handsome, non-evil face again

I unfortunately think that little has changed... I wasn’t alive in the 70s so I can’t speak to that, but I remember still getting attention from men my dad’s age and older starting from around age 11 or 12 in the early/mid 2000s... I was tall and well-endowed, sure, but I was clearly and obviously a child. It didn’t

I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack

I loved Bowie’s music, but a 14 year old can’t legally consent. He’s a rapist whether she liked the experience or not.

Dang, thank you for the behind the scenes look. Used to work on music videos in LA and I miss the tech.

Awesome, great story.