
Here’s a list of things the Obama administration have done for the LGBT community (SPOILER ALERT- it’s fairly extensive). Not shown is the fact that some of those things took awhile to happen because the administration was trying to figure out how to make those changes in a way that any incoming Republican

Growing up in rural Oklahoma, the coming out episode is burned into my memory. I came out to my dad and step-mom within a few weeks. I seriously think Ellen saved my life. I know my personality and my mental illness, and if I had been afraid to come out and the issue hadn’t been raised at just that moment I would have

Ellen is interwoven for me with my own coming out. My parents were both fans of her sitcom, and had been watching up to that point, and I knew it. I, fourteen, read in the newspaper about how she was a lesbian, and was coming out on her show, and how big a deal this was.

No, really, thanks Obama. Please don’t go.

The snark here isn’t really justified, nor is the focus on the word “luxury.” The issue centers on the fact that this would be a pretty big carve-out from existing state tax policy on what is and isn’t taxed. Right now, the only medical or hygiene items that aren’t taxed are ones that have to be prescribed and

This article requires Mark Schraber.

A woman sits in front of her computer reading article after article and wonders if it is too early to start drinking? JANE, glances at the clock and realizes that it’s five o’clock somewhere, that her ovaries have dried up and blown away and well decides to not give a fuck.

A disheveled woman in slippers, jeans, and a winter fair isle sweater, JANE, reads these descriptions and despairs. She glances around her home, trudges to the stand of bottles by the window, and, with stunning elegance, opens and swigs from the illegal Cuban rum in one fell swoop. She ponders life in American society

Well she’s obviously easy. She has a kid so what’s the big deal? It’s only 5...not wait....2 minutes. Sheesh /s

The full transcript of the recording ( is insane. An excerpt: “Emadi: You mean touching your tummy over your clothes is considered touching? Shirani: Of course! That’s my body. Emadi: I didn’t even touch your breasts.” The complete disregard for another human being’s autonomy is

That’s annoying in western countries where you at least don’t have this fear of political reprisal hanging over you. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for this woman knowing she was risking imprisonment—not just for herself but for her family—for “damaging the political system.” No wonder she fled the

I hate people


The comments on her facebook page are sad as hell. “Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing,” and “You could have just left.” UGH.

The whole “Oh yeah? Why didn’t he harass ME then?” thing is something I’ve seen way too much of. Either directly from someone who feels insulted (“He never hit on me and there’s no way he would have gone for you over me”) or indirectly (“He worked with plenty of women I know and they had no problem with him.”) We have

This is the only use for the grey system, isn’t it. It’s obviously not to keep the trolls out.

I was ungreyed at Gawker for like a week and then said something in disagreement with the tone of an article and back to the greys I went lol. Honestly, I prefer it down here (mostly bc I get ungreyed by others anyway) bc it’s like the writers can’t wait to use what little power they have to ‘demote’ you. I feel like

“Sex for five minutes.”

With so much ignorance about Iran floating around the US, I always told people that it is actually one of the most Westernized countries in the “Arab” (because people are too dumb to understand nuance) world.