
And they give your dad the money who decides that you don’t really need it, so he uses it to remodel the kitchen.

And the reason you haven’t punched him in the face for being an asshole yet is because why?

Yeah. I love it when the rapists who enslaved me for years later apologize to my male family members and then my younger brother accepts those apologies on my behalf while I scream, “No!!!!’” I mean, what’s not to love?

Stories like this are what make me so mad when my father complains that “you can’t even compliment a woman now without her crying sexual harassment.”

It’s interesting you feel that way (genuinely, no snark), because I’ve always thought this was a weird issue because I really don’t give a damn. So long as we can get stalls with walls/doors that actually go down to the floor (like in the UK), I’m a happy camper. I don’t care about washing my hands next to a guy. I do

Okay, maybe it was the pregnancy hormones racing through my system, but I was literally crying this weekend while reading more and more about the state of choice in America. This is my first pregnancy, and it was my choice to keep this pregnancy. My choice. This pregnancy is handing me my ass, and I can’t even imagine


exactly right. Like for arguments sake, let’s see what happens if you induce labor at 6 weeks. still think it’s viable now?

This shit right here is why I’m voting for whoever the fuck gets the Democratic nomination. There is too much at stake for this hyperbole that Hillary is just another republican. Tell that to my uterus assholes.

Republicans, take note: this is not how this is supposed to work

Also, those words are not solely or even most commonly defined that way. A telephone is shrill. An alarm clock. Intentionally choosing gendered shit to express a non-gendered adjective is irresponsible. Let people learn their bias from their shitty parents, as is tradition.

“Flippant?” I’m sure there are more apt descriptions of those tweets, but I think I’ll be sourcing them from Merriam-Webster, assholes.

“shrill” – defined as “the rising shrill of women’s voices”– and “psyche” – for which the example sentence is, “I will never really fathom the female psyche”. “Grating”, defined as “sounding harsh and unpleasant”, was illustrated with the phrase “her high, grating voice”, while the adjective “nagging” used the

Exactly. When I got pregnant last winter I was in no shape financially to have a kid, but other than being a poor 26 year old my life was (and is!) going pretty smoothly. Loving partner, loving parents, and a steady job (that doesn’t pay enough to raise a child but I do OK). Still not the right time for me to have a

Forgot to add at the end of the first paragraph that it is dangerous to paint ourselves into the corner of abortion being exclusively for the short list of “rape and incest survivors, women whose lives are in peril.” Every woman deserves to make her own decision based on all her life circumstances, without

Now playing

This one, about a woman who went into preterm labor at 15 weeks and was denied an abortion, is incredibly powerful and well done. It’s a side of the abortion debate that not a lot of people think about

That’s the best kind of feminist. One whose interests have nothing to do with the feminist movement but just plain fair treatment of everybody including those who happen to be female.

My late husband fought the salary sharing ban on aerospace in the 80s and 90s by simply sharing his salary with all of his peers every time it changed. It irked his bosses but theY never retaliated because his skills were valuable.

If you can so casually dismiss the magnitude of these decisions, then I suspect you haven't faced many of them. Sometimes responsibilities throw off the math, making the answer to questions like "Where should I live?" more complicated than "live someplace close to your job." Sometimes the elementary schools near your