
No, you're totally right—as a new parent, I'm terrified of this losing battle. The best we can do is teach our kids the realities of these cultural dynamics and hope our influence is strong enough to counteract the greater cultural one. And it's not like all adults understand this, either—case in point, this asshole's

I don't know. What are people supposed to do about one or two unprosecuted, unsubstantiated accusations? Lynch him? When things don't get tried at the time around when they happened, they are unsubstantiated. It took more than 2 people to substantiate something that had no evidence supporting it. It is basically the

Let's all fell free to contact this lady and express our disappointment

Watch out nausea is apparently a big turn on for this guy.

The fucking sad thing is that unless parents actively work to counteract the influence of rape culture in their own homes (which clearly didn't happen in this young man's household, as his parents are STILL making excuses for him and for themselves), rape culture will do its work to teach kids like him that this

Oh Madeleine, you don't take your legal drinking age into Hollywood afterparties, either. The legal drinking age there is "can you afford to be there?"

Just Fuck. I got nothing else. No, I guess I do. Educated, or maybe people who have had access to an education, refute evolution despite all the empirical evidence? Just Fuck. If Bill Walton is the voice of reason...Just Fuck.

Omg, the Trophy wife lady's dress makes her breasts look like a butt! She's got ass-less chaps for a shirt! The clip was cute though. Trophy wife also said "Summerhandler" ! ;)

Now playing

Don't feel bad about it, I was deeply saddened by their parting. Except it gave us this which was great

Pets and beer.


Batey's attorney said he was "very inebriated" that night and that he "had a blackout,"

I think outdoor time is really valuable for cats unless you live in a really bad area for it. That way they can hunt and explore and smell stuff. Our cats at home in the suburbs always learn how to signal us when they want to go out or come back in and we bring them in at night.

I'm sure you could still do a lot of things even if we cut off your fingers. Feel free to volunteer.

Me, too. Once I learned what it actually is, I was horrified that all THREE of my cats growing up had been declawed :-(. Poor kitties.

Look, if you want an animal that can't claw you or your belongings, don't get a fucking cat. Even the best behaved cats may claw on furniture occasionally and cats very rarely claw a person without reason.

Yup, I'm fine with this being banned. We should also add ear and tail docking to the list too, while we're at it.

i'm pro. i don't think most people understand what actually happens in a declawing. it's extremely similar to removing the first knuckle from a human finger.

It's always amusing when someone, oblivious to the fact they are a total dickbag, does something they think people will side with them over and are proved very, very wrong.

Pizza guy.