Sir Trey

This coming from a country that holds kids “beauty” pageants

I am 99% sure the Huskies are going to win the entire tournament.

High school football?

Little League World Series

watched the clip a few times to see if the ball rotates the opposite way

They did actually lay down the law. As a result of UNC’s massive fraud, the NCAA game SMU 3 years probation and a tourney ban.

I enjoy the NCAA taking a harder stance on a leaked bracket than they ever did when a major program committed widespread academic fraud and basically made up a major.

In my expert nerd opinion, the 2 sword guy is a flashback to Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, wrecking shop at the Tower of Joy.

Yeah, I see your point, but on the other hand GAME OF THRONES IS COMING BACK, Y’ALL!! WOOOO!!!

you made me check espn, you dick.

Cue all the imbeciles who won’t get the joke in the headline. I’ve already fallen for this shit. Put another W in the win column for the Warriors. Winning 112-95 against the Lakers still counts as a win Deadspin!

It is a well-known scientific fact that if you look at a butthole closely enough, you will see the words “Exit” inscribed on it in the language your mother spoke when she was pregnant with you.

Sorry but giving it to Simmons would not be worse.

Simmons actually watches the NBA.

I thought ‘retiring a hack sportswriter to Italy’ was the same as ‘sending Fido to a lovely farm upstate’. Disappointed to discover that I’m wrong.

I believe that flop has been dubbed, “The Paella”, because it is universally panned.

“You ... ’kay?!!!!!”

No. She’s still in Kentucky

Jagen H’Ghar Reacts to comment about Reacts comment.

That makes no sense, the ball was already hitting the back of the net by the time the keeper got there.