United States Men's National Team. To distinguish from the United States Wambach National Team.
United States Men's National Team. To distinguish from the United States Wambach National Team.
Heroes on a half pitch?
This is just another case of hardworking Americans breaking their backs while non-Americans get a free ride. First it was driver's licenses in California, then it was health care, now it's soccer, or fooot-ball as they like to call it, and next it will be amnesty to illegal immigrants. It's all thanks to our president…
Here's how Mexican television announcers reacted, as Mexico's loss to Costa Rica was rendered meaningless: with screams, and scattered English phrases.
#YoureWelcomeMexico — Valtrex (@valtrex) May 5, 2004
Every single time, I read that US Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Darn! I guess I cant do this any more!
Hes just mad with Jigglypuff
Well, it was busy making $500 million more than any other movie ever made at that point. Avatar was also a turning point — for good or bad — in the commercial viability of 3-D and it completely sealed the deal on foreign box office being way more important to studios than domestic receipts. So, compared to the only…
Thanks, bro!
Wow. This Phil Mushnick guy sure gives journalists an "urban" eye.
For those of you not from the New York area, please note that Phil Mushnick was the odds-on favorite to write this column.
Reading that column just turned my brain into mushnick.
Mushnick uses the words "baby mama" three times in a 550-word article about said "baby" being killed. He uses the word "mother" zero times.
In his defense, a lot of Phil Mushnick's ancestor's slaves were black.
A troll ripping on Stephen A. Smith? Right now, Skip's lawyers are drafting a Complaint for gimmick infringement.
A tool that is rarely used isn't necessarily a tool that is never used. I don't use my tap-and-die set very often, but when I strip out the treads in the bottom of an aluminum engine block, I'm very, very happy to own those tools. Same with the A/C clutch puller, cooling system pressure tester, the 7mm Allen wrench…
Jesus, it seems like the construction workers on this project just can't catch a break, or a falling piece of rebar, or an elevator counterweight.
Mark Prior has just thrown his 100th pitch. Manager Dusty Baker isn't worried, though