Well geek Internet, are ya happy now?
Well geek Internet, are ya happy now?
If anything, that attitude was one reason why I can’t think of many movies I hoped would be great more than this one. Batman v. Superman is quickly getting up there as well, though. Maybe I’m just overly sensitive or something, but months upon months of constant bitching and negativity, which this movie got at ever…
I maintained throughout this movie’s production, and still do now, that if Josh Trank had gotten to make the movie he wanted to make without studio interference, this would have been good. Based on the stories out there, it’s very clear Fox and Trank didn’t exactly get along, and judging from the review at least part…
Very solid points. I mean hell, the Fantastic Four’s main schtick is being the “first family” of comics, what better way to emphasize “family” than to make them part of a larger film family? Make them work with others and let Doom be Doom independent of the Four. He could still be a Fox Superhero Universe Big Bad...
I think Trank, unimpeded by the studio, could’ve made a very good movie, but it wouldn’t have been the movie Fox wanted and would have been less of a tentpole, franchise-starter than just a solid superhero movie. But the problem with that is studios are practically incapable of making a movie that isn’t built for…
I’ve seen too many people say something recently along the lines of “Sorry that apparently facts are racist now” and you can feel their smugness through the computer, all the while failing to understand that simply spitting out numbers without any acknowledgement of context tells a woefully small part of the story.
First of all, I can always appreciate good, punny wordplay, so solid opening.
I’ll have to check out the album, and I know it’s classic internet to only seize upon one part of a long post but...it seems decently delusional for Ronnie to act like Young was painting with a wide berth and the racist part of the South was a “minority” in the late 60s when he was writing the song. Both of my (black)…
Besides what’s already been said about the “bigger fish” argument being flawed, who better to bring attention to some of those other issues in representation than the talented black writers who could bring personal connections and stories but now with a more specific lens assisted by ESPN’s access?
I definitely still think she should be on the team - she still heads the ball better than 99% of the world does anything - but should really only be used as a late super-sub if the team is down and in need of a goal. I’ll still take 20-30 minutes of Wambach at the end of the game over whoever would be on the bench at…
That’s through no fault of hers, though: based on her records - highest international scorer ever - and successes - two Olympic golds, two World Cup Finals, 2012 FIFA World Player of the Year - if fans/the media gave a shit about women’s sports on a more regular basis she was far more deserving of being “the face of…
On the first point, I can’t think of particularly many trans celebrities popping up to begin with in recent years who we knew as one gender first, and certainly no recent ones in athletics, certainly none as iconic as Jenner.
That’s an entirely fair point, but it’s not like Colbert was subsequently run off television and forced to stop performing comedy. There was a minor storm and things were ok. Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most successful comedians in America over the past quarter century, his career wouldn’t be shot down by one…
Went to EDC Las Vegas last year and immediately knew I was headed back this year, so my two cents:
Only been to one EDC, going to #2 in June, but also have a few other similar events under my belt...in terms of acts you want to see, you pretty much have to go in accepting that you’re going to miss people, and also accepting that there will be conflicts. You can plan for a few key artists but, aside from those,…
“Millenial” here, can’t specifically speak for East Coast events but as far as I know their vibe is similar to West Coast ones, and you’d be more than welcome :) Last year at EDC Las Vegas - the flagship for Insomniac and one of the sheer biggest, in terms of spectacle, populatio and talent, in the US if not in the…
I definitely did chuckle, even as a PS4 user, so well played. This is how that should be done.
Well, because for all intents and purposes he (along with IGA, also no longer there), has been: he’s been at the forefront of the creation for Metal Gear, Silent Hill and Zone of the Enders, and his group’s FOX engine powers the last few PES games. IGA spearheaded the last decade of Castlevania.
Maybe the greatest alternate history possibility in gaming history: what if Nintendo hadn’t shafted Sony out of a deal and they’d ended up making the Nintendo CD add-on as originally intended? Does the PlayStation ever exist? Is Nintendo the most dominant company of the mid 90s and early 00s, as they were for the 80s…
It’s not specifically the Reptile Tower, just the Mortal Kombat 1 Tower. You have to be online and it’s the under Living Towers (the gold one), not just the single player traditional towers. If it doesn’t show up - and sometimes they won’t - just exit and reload them.