Fellow SCU grad, though much more recent so pretty much all we've got in terms of great basketball memories are 90s Nash tapes.
Fellow SCU grad, though much more recent so pretty much all we've got in terms of great basketball memories are 90s Nash tapes.
Forgot about Oakland University, which is in...Michigan.
I think my issue would be that "we" (the general Tebow-neutrals so to speak) can't win if he returns, when it comes to the sizable Tebow fanbase, due to the outside factors. If he succeeds (even temporarily, like in Denver), the discussions will be insufferable about how he was shut out due to Christianity and the…
That's probably fair - Jimmy Clausen is still on a roster - but it's the rare case where the distraction is fans really, really want the backup to play, not that the backup has other "issues". Michael Sam doesn't really have any experience, AP or Ray Rice would piss people off but are also more talented, but Tebow…
*If you're in a small conference. Kentucky (or let's go less obvious...Michigan State) can blow a conference tourney game and still get in, but a 27-5 Murray State team cannot.
I really like and respect the Spurs as an organization, partially because - unlike the Cardinals - at least to my memory most of the actual members of said organization don't spend so much time blathering on about how they're so special. The media and fans, sure, but not the actual team members.
I'm actually impressed at the sleuthing here...though I wonder what the motivation would be to look that up at that level of detail if you're not a fan. Automatic doubt of the story?
Largely because in that case it would be one Spanish girl cheating on one man. Even if you somehow managed to get cheated on by a hundred Spanish girls, this would still be one person's experience. You might even be a member of a "Guys Who Got Cheated on By Spanish Girls" club...but it would still be a largely…
I think what OP is saying isn't that they feel bad for them at all, but that while they're getting deservedly singled out because they picked on someone famous there are a lot of other assholes doing things like this to people who aren't famous and they're not getting punished because nobody else noticed. The…
Not at much, but it definitely does happen, and once some kind of remote public attention comes up the issue snowballs. Twitter has its uses but it can be a really evil place sometimes.
To simply assume that without nuance or question is the problem, but it seems willfully obtuse to me to act like any of those trends are simply coincidences. You shouldn't just look at something and think, "Oh, I can't dig into this, that's racist/sexist", you should ask why that's the case, and wonder if it's a…
My one problem with that admittedly very nice sentiment is that it assumes that people and their behavior are independent from the groups they belong to, and in almost all cases they aren't. That doesn't mean they're 100% shaped by said groups' "typical" traits or should be judged wholeheartedly for the actions of…
Very good point...this shit happens all the time with far fewer consequences, if any, because "nobody" knows who the victim is.
Riiiight, because the last Call of Duty game and the very, very violent Shadow of Mordor got such shitty reviews from Kotaku...
I can understand that as well. I suppose he felt it more appropriate in this case since this one very specifically positioned itself as the self-aware, fun alternative type of film, so the perspective was automatically laid out for any viewer.
In defense of not using "The MLS", we don't say "The MLB" either, but we do say "The NBA/NFL/NHL. My best guess there is because we're referring to "the league" in all of those cases, with National and the sport all modifying "League", but in those cases we're not talking about "the soccer" or "the baseball" because…
Without getting too in-depth here, I'd personally argue the college case is different, though the NBA handles it wrong. One and done makes a mockery of both systems; the player is held back from a paycheck for two seasons while not receiving any kind of valuable education.
Late response, I know...
Um...look, Hollywood has a lot of issues with race and gender, sure, but in this case I think you might be protesting a bit much, as neither factor is ever really seen as important to the characters and like ArbeitMachtFries said, he's a very smart tycoon. I'll take more minorities as powerful people to begin with,…